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I used to play a lot of team sports, but in the last year or two have been unable to do so.

How do all of you get your needed amount of exercise? I am quickly becoming bored with walking, jogging or riding the bike. A pool is not available to me, though I did used to swim laps quite a bit.

How do you also stay motivated? I never realized how motivating it is to have friends on a team that keep you coming back. 🙂
Have you tried water aerobics or yoga? As far as getting yourself motivated, I have that trouble myself and will also be interested in any suggestions.

A few years ago I started walking. I get up at the crack of dawn, if not before. I love this time of day even though I am not a morning person. Something about being up when everyone else is asleep. I walk throughout my neighborhood and use this time to “hear myself think”. It has actually helped me spiritually just as much as physically. I take advantage of the quiet mornings to pray and meditate over things that are troubling me. Often times when I’m walking along I get “hit from out of the blue” with the answers I’m seeking. I feel the Lord’s presence and know that these “light bulb moments” are really God talking to me. I look forward to my daily walk…not just for the good that I’m doing for my body, but also the good that I’m doing for my soul! It’s amazing what you hear when you start to listen. :yup:
I don’t get my needed exercise either. I’ve got an exercise bike at home that I should be using, but I’m having motivation problems as well. The mirror and my tight clothing should be enough motivation, but I’m so tired after working all day that I don’t have the energy to work out. 20 minutes a day shouldn’t be too hard to do, but for some reason, it is.
well - I have no suggestions on new exercises you can do, but I was also getting bored on my treadmill daily. Then the Holy Spirit “suggested” I say the rosary and pray while I walk. I hardly notice the boredom anymore because I am focused elsewhere.

Nothing like burnin calories and burnin off some venial sins at the same time ( or storing up indulgences). I like to think of it as “Shapin up with God”.
Pilates exercises are good for toning up the abdominal muscles, improving posture and breathing, and just stretching everything out. I’ve slacked off a lot lately, but when I’m doing them regularly, I have much better posture and more energy. I have a book that I use (can’t remember the name, but the author’s last name is Ungaro), but my friend loves the Winsor Pilates videos.
Can you join a gym? I don’t currently have “gym friends,” but the one I belong to has personal trainers included in the price of membership. So, if I start missing days, I have someone who’ll call me and hassle me to get back on track. I’ve also found that mixing my routine up with circuit training, pilates, yoga, tai chi, weights, jogging, etc., helps fight boredom.

I made exercising a habit. I found that once I was used to working out every other morning, it was really hard not to follow this pattern.
Curbes for Women, 1/2 hour 3 times a week, aerobic and fitness, well in the price range, can be done on the way to shopping or other errands, not expensive, pre-paid membership required - downside is they don’t have room for babysitting, suggest you trade off with a neighbor to watch each others kids. If I can do the machines in my physical shape (wretched) so can you.
I just have kids…

MOM, can you get me a…

MOM, help me find…

MOM, i’m bored, can you play outside with me?..

Then the dreaded house cleaning… :crying:

No wonder I go to bed at 8:30pm. :yawn: I’m bushed at the end of the day

I HATE EXERCISING… :bigyikes: .
Princess, I walk with weights and the children scooter ahead of me. That way I get to exercise, and talk to my children about their day etc.
That won’t last much longer, though, because winter will set in. I suppose we will move onto sledding.
Also, how about horse back riding?
Curves is a great place for motivation. The trainers there work with you and help you and it’s very small and women-only so there is a more personal atmosphere. You set the times. You’re only there for half an hour and you can go whenever you choose. In most places, there are a lot of them so it shouldn’t be a hassle to drive “all the way out to someplace”. The greatest thing is: it was started by Christians!

I also walk on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays. I get up half an hour early and walk around town. It is great for me because I get to some quality time with my mom.

Don’t try to build your lifestyle around getting exercise, but let exercise build itself around you. What I mean is, you can do exercise in the smallest things each day. Park a few spaces further, take the stairs, walk or run in place while you watch TV.

Hope this helps and good luck!
Devyn <3
I used to play a lot of team sports, but in the last year or two have been unable to do so.

How do all of you get your needed amount of exercise? I am quickly becoming bored with walking, jogging or riding the bike. A pool is not available to me, though I did used to swim laps quite a bit.

How do you also stay motivated? I never realized how motivating it is to have friends on a team that keep you coming back. 🙂
Have you ever tried Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds Express seires? They are very motivating, and you get a great workout! Do you have 30 minutes? It takes about that to walk 2 miles!😃 But you use arms and stuff too. She is very easy to follow. Leslie has many walking tapes, but the Express are really good. (1 Mile, a 2 mile, a 3 mile, and a 4 mile) I mostly use the 4 mile and only do 2 miles…I love them!!! You can go to your library and borrow them instead of buying them at first. Then you could explore a bit more after you tried them. That help? Oh yeah, I just remembered…they are great for all year round!
my daughter (the one who introduced me to Curves) still goes there a couple of times a week, but she got something called a Dance Pad that you hook up to a video and from her description it gives music and dance steps, which it records to tell you if you are doing it correctly, how many calories burned etc. The little girls like it so much she had to get another pad for them to use while she is doing her exercise. sounds wildly successful, don’t know how long it will last. She has our old treadmill, EZ glider, weights and bench, health rider and various other equipment in the basement. Also a baby stroller that hooks on back of a bicycle, trampoline, cross country skis which have not been used for quite some time.
These are all great suggestions! Thanks, guys 🙂

As for horseback riding… I grew up with several horses (being the quasi-country girl I am, from Kansas ;)) , one of which I was thrown from at sixteen and suffered a plethora of injuries from. I’ m 24 now and recovered, though I still have a pinched nerve/herniated disk and can’t ride anymore. These injuries really flare up sometimes and cause a lot of problems with exercise in general.

Does anyone want to throw out a ballpark figure for how much Curves costs per month? Our finances are a little tight and we have a mini gym (bike and a few weight machines) at our complex, though it’s always so busy. I usually just take long walks. I would hate to pay for a gym subscription, though you all make it sound rather tempting…

And yes puzzleannie, I had to laugh at your deprecating description of yourself–“wretched” is very funny, even if I doubt it’s actually true. 😉
Running is the best form of excercise. No gym memberships needed - just a great pair of running shoes and the open road. You’ll burn more calories than walking and it’s less time consuming. I run 5 miles almost every day before the rest of my family wakes up. Running clears my head and actually gives me more energy to chase after my four kids all day. To get started try walking for a few minutes and then running (slowly) for a few minutes. Switch back & forth until you feel comfortable running without walking (this may take several weeks) After about six months of running your great looking legs will be all the motivation you need! Good luck! 🙂 CM

I used to run a lot in high school and college when I cross-trained for sports like soccer, volleyball and swimming. However, doctors have told me that running is HORRIBLE for women. Their bodies are apparently not designed to run for long distances and continually–it is hard on their knees, due to the way their pelvis and hips are positioned. It also–and this will sound funny, I’m sure–shakes the uterus and can actually cause it to “drop” and/or tear by doing so. An OB/GYN told me that! 🙂
I have arthritis and fibromyalgia and osteoporosis (among other things that don’t relate to this discussion) there are times (last Sunday for instance) when I can barely walk and cannot drive at all, just got off crutches this morning. My favorite is aquasize but the pool must be heated. Our old retirement park had 2 heated pools, but we are in a new development. I was okay all summer because it is so hot here, but the new pool won’t be heated for another year, so that is out. If you get your kids signed up at the Y, JCC or someother swim program it may be possible for you to do laps or aquasize while they are having their lessons.

Curves is the only thing I can do. Walking more than a few minutes is simply not an option. I got a special last year, 3 mos. free, for a year membership, half off about 30 a month, but you can also pay on a weekly basis, anyhow a lot cheaper than Weight Watchers, which my daughter also goes to. They rebated the months I could not go since I brought in a doctor’s excuse. It is time to renew, and I will go month by month. In my case it is deductible because it is considered PT.

You should have seen me the first few times I went, you have 30 seconds on each machine going as hard as you can, and 30 seconds on a step pad aerobic stepping in place, to the beat of oldie music. Simply getting on and off the machines was all the exercise I got the first couple of weeks. The instructors are great, you also stop and take your pulse 3 times to make sure you stay in a safe heart rate zone. They do a good job training you to use the machines, but it is worth it to get the book and stick to their diet, and understand the program better, about 10 bucks at stuffmart.

I did lose about 30 pounds over the year, and got into some old clothes, and have kept it off, also general health, flexibility, joints are much much better. I really started losing when I stopped going into the Mexican restaurant next door after each session.

I used to run a lot in high school and college when I cross-trained for sports like soccer, volleyball and swimming. However, doctors have told me that running is HORRIBLE for women. Their bodies are apparently not designed to run for long distances and continually–it is hard on their knees, due to the way their pelvis and hips are positioned. It also–and this will sound funny, I’m sure–shakes the uterus and can actually cause it to “drop” and/or tear by doing so. An OB/GYN told me that! 🙂
AHHH! MY uterus has fallen and it can’t get up!! :rotfl:

I suppose running isn’t for everyone… some people have bad knees to begin with but in general I think it’s just fine for women. Thousands of women run marathons every year (I’ve run 3). At the Chicago marathon there are women young & old in all shapes & sizes running. I run over 1,200 miles a year and haven’t experienced any injuries or had to pick a single organ off the pavement. But to each his own. I think if you’re natually athletic though (and it sounds like you are) you’d LOVE IT!
🙂 Peace, CM
puzzleannie–i hope you weren’t offended–i just simply thought the word “wretched” was funny, but i can see that you truly have some very debilitating issues. congrats on losing thirty pounds, though! that is really wonderful.

i have put on some weight from stopping how active i used to be. in fact, we ordered pizza for dinner tonight (our dishwasher broke this afternoon and the repairman can’t come til monday) and i realized that as i was reading this thread, i was reaching for a third slice. don’t worry, i put it back and got an apple instead!!! bad abby… 🙂

i so appreciate all of your (everyone who has posted) supportive words. i need to get over the boredom and just keep going. 🙂 i’m thinking about joining like a walking club or something…i notice that it’s so much easier and more fun when i’m occupied by talking or thinking about something other then boringly walking. but praying is a good idea, as someone suggested–i “sort of” do that now, though i am very distracted by the environment. maybe i will start rising really early, as another poster suggested…

Curves still sounds fun, though the idea of being watched as I switch from machine to machine would make me feel weird… I did LOVE to play team sports, and I think I’m just missing some of that now. Oh well. It also was never boring, which is one of my issues about exercise now. 🙂
Have you ever tried Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds Express seires? They are very motivating, and you get a great workout! Do you have 30 minutes? It takes about that to walk 2 miles!😃 But you use arms and stuff too. She is very easy to follow. Leslie has many walking tapes, but the Express are really good. (1 Mile, a 2 mile, a 3 mile, and a 4 mile) I mostly use the 4 mile and only do 2 miles…I love them!!! You can go to your library and borrow them instead of buying them at first. Then you could explore a bit more after you tried them. That help? Oh yeah, I just remembered…they are great for all year round!
I too love these videos and they do work!! 🙂
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