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I don’t mind excercising, I just HATE sweating! I bought myself a total gym after our last baby as a big time reward. I really like the machine but can only do it when all of the laundry is put away since my clean laundry area is right where I set it up. I love my excercise bike. Finally bought a recumbant so my behind didn’t hurt so much. I also love the 8-minute abs, buns, etc. workouts. It’s so hard to squeeze in the sweating when you’ve got so many kids. They like doing the 8-minute workouts with me. The only bad part is the second I lie down, my 18mos old jumps on me. Since I’m pregnant the only thing I do now is the bike. I just dropped 15 pounds and got pregnant again. I have no thryoid anymore and after 5 years my meds are finally at a good place so I’m hoping to get back to my “I have a thryoid” weight after this baby. These extra pounds are tough! People keep saying it’s my age (they started this when they killed my thyroid off at 29!) but it does help to have a working thryoid!!! The 15 lb. loss gave me some hope! :gopray2:
If you like competition, try running 5k and 10K races. You stay motivated to train because you keep wanting to get faster times.

You must exercise every day. If not your body will just waste away. Make it a point to go to bed in better shape than you woke up that day.
my body will “waste away”…hmmm…such a way with words, jeff!!!
my body will “waste away”…hmmm…such a way with words, jeff!!!
I wish mine would just waste away. It seems to be here more than ever! :eek:
I have a huge library of exercise videos and a step and some hand weights. There’s a variety of types of videos. I have aerobic/weight training (the Firm), step videos (Reebok, etc) and Tai-bo.

I’m motivated by reminding myself of all the benefits. I feel healthy, am in a better mood after, feel like I accomplished something difficult. I think, by this one half-hour I will benefit a lot.

But when? It can be hard to find time. The best time for me is nap-time, and maybe when the kids go to sleep (although I’m tired by that time too).

As for horseback riding… I grew up with several horses (being the quasi-country girl I am, from Kansas ) , one of which I was thrown from at sixteen and suffered a plethora of injuries from. I’ m 24 now and recovered, though I still have a pinched nerve/herniated disk and can’t ride anymore.​

OUCH! I knew there was a reason for my fear of horse back riding. Actually this web sight is interesting:collagevideo.com/tai-chi-videos-dvds/exercises-workouts-instruction.aspx
This idea doesn’t usually go over well with women because of the false myths associated with it. But resistance training (weights) is something that will keep you healthy, young and feeling good throughout your life. I’ve also enjoyed running throughout my life (have one marathon and many 10Ks under my belt) but as I get older I get hurt very easily running these days. Although the weights seem to only make me feel better. At 48 I can still hit new personal records.

Weights WILL NOT make you big or bulky or muscle bound or any of the other fairytales associated with them. They will make your muscles harder, more dense, stronger and more shapely. Drugs (steriods) make people huge NOT training.

I think it is a great form of exercise for men and women alike. It also goes a long way in keeping bodyfat down.

Women tend to have more body fat then men do. Therefore I think they tend to be nervous about pushing that layer of fat (however small) outward as their muscles develop more and more.

But, I agree with you. I actually really enjoy doing the weight machines and do so on a regular basis. 🙂

Lily of the Valley,

The problem I have with Tai Chi, yoga, etc is that it is all very eastern and somewhat “new age-y.” I think meditation when used in a Catholic way can be a wonderful tool in living a healthy
spiritual and physical life.

Bear06–I know you’re pregnant, so you have an excuse to not be “wasting away” !! 🙂

Thanks for all the suggestions!!!
My daughter and I do karate together (affordable since the dojo works through the park districts in the region) and my son and I have started running 30 min/day together. I love the “Aww, isn’t that sweet!” looks he and I get on the trail! It’s a great way to spend time with the kids that’s special “Mom time” for them (12 and 9 y.o.)
my body will “waste away”…hmmm…such a way with words, jeff!!!
Sorry Princess…I was trying to motivate you! I guess those “tough love” phrases work more to motivate us men!
carol marie:
. I run over 1,200 miles a year and haven’t experienced any injuries or had to pick a single organ off the pavement.
🙂 Peace, CM
That is hilarious, carolmarie!! I’ve never seen a race with runners hopping over organ parts either. :rotfl:

I used to play a lot of team sports, but in the last year or two have been unable to do so.

How do all of you get your needed amount of exercise? I am quickly becoming bored with walking, jogging or riding the bike. A pool is not available to me, though I did used to swim laps quite a bit.

How do you also stay motivated? I never realized how motivating it is to have friends on a team that keep you coming back. 🙂
I try to do a variety of excercise during the week so I don’t ever do the same thing more then 2x’s a week; except I ride my horses daily, which in my chosen discipline (dressage) is quite physical.

Weekly I will do the following:
Yoga class on Monday - and at home once a week.
Long hike on weekend if I can get away.
Short walks through the woods here with the dogs.
Lift weights twice a week.
Sprints around our property. (we have long roads on our property)
Rock Climbing occasionally in summer.
Canoeing occasionaly in summer.

I try to be outside as much as possible. I live very rurally and there is no gym available, but there is a yoga studio in town. Yoga has been great for my hammered joints! (I played a lot of sports through college age).
Boredom is an issue with fitness. My advice GET OUTSIDE - and do a variety of things, but make sure you work to a sweat a couple times a week. Don’t get hung up on regement.
I’m up mon-sat at 5:30am- then i jog or ride bike to gym. 6-7 am aerobic. 7-7:45am i lift weights then I ride or jog home by 8:00am. 8:00-8:30 shower and eat. 9:00 - start working. go to bed about 11:30pm on average. i don’t need much sleep.

the more you exercise, the more energy you have. you put in half an hour a day, you’ll get 2 or 3 more hours of energy at the end of the day.

been doing this for 12 years and it works for me.
the secret is stop thinking about exercise and just do something.
ride a bike. go to a park. MOVE.
I train martial arts.

I have been training with the world renowned Kung Fu master- James Sinclair for the last four years. Before that I have studied Ju-jitsu, Karate and Judo.
Martial Arts is all about over-coming yourself. It provides self assurance, a sense of internal calm, focus and achievement. The biggest challenge is always getting out and training, but if you find the right style, you will enjoy the learning so much, you’ll be desperate to get to class!

Martial Arts is not just boxing and hitting each other. There are other options, like Tai Chi, Bagua Zhang and Hsing Yi which are termed ‘soft’ or ‘internal’ and focus on breathing and technique.

Women tend to have more body fat then men do. Therefore I think they tend to be nervous about pushing that layer of fat (however small) outward as their muscles develop more and more.

But, I agree with you. I actually really enjoy doing the weight machines and do so on a regular basis. 🙂
The few pounds of muscle one might gain while weightlifting will burn calories hence assist in reducing bodyfat.

I am typically cautious of theorectical things I read about exercise. I’ve been training with weights and running the better part of my life now. I am 47. My personal experience is that when I do a great deal of running I certainly lose weight. I may go from about 220lbs to under 200lbs when I pick up the mileage. However I notice that there isn’t any real reduction in bodyfat percentage. I simply shrink, losing more lean tissue then fat. When lifting and watching my food intake my bodyfat is reduced yet my weight may increase.

Weightlifting gets a bum wrap unfortunately. It’s also been my experience that meduim to heavy lifting is something that cane be done well into (at least) middle age. Hopefully beyond. My running has certainly been effected by age. I get injured quite easily if I attempt to do alot of running.
I have found that praying while riding the exercise bike is comforting. Especially after the first week or so when the prayer was usually “Please <pant, pant> let the 20 minutes be over soon”
ha, that’s how i was feeling today, bryang… 🙂

i just finished watching “The Biggest Loser” on NBC (although i did situps and stomach crunches while i watched, thank you very much) and found it to be rather crazy and somewhat depressing…these people exercise all week long, constantly, and lost only 3lbs on average!!! 🙂 (of course, they all lost like 20lbs the first week so now their bodies are in shock.)

i’ve decided i’m going to print out little motivational reminders for myself to exercise and keep them around the house. i also keep a flip-book (notecards) of scripture, so i think i’m going to start reading those when i’m on the bike (though not the treadmill or weight machines…) 🙂
Curves still sounds fun, though the idea of being watched as I switch from machine to machine would make me feel weird…
that’s the best part, you are not in front of a plate glass window like a lot of gyms, there are no guys, and no slick chix in purple leotards, everybody is huffing away to hard to watch you or say anything other than supportive words.
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