john doran:
still, though, i’d love to see the answers of modern science to which you’re referring…
1 - FIRST MOVER: Some things are in motion, anything moved is moved by another, and there can’t be an infinite series of movers. So there must be a first mover (a mover that isn’t itself moved by another). This is God.
Unfortunately because there exists even in a complete vacuum, in completely empty space, a constant fluctuation of the quantum potential. It is similar to the pair production and annihilation we see in one of the shielding effect of dense materials. This fluctation of potential can impact, as any potential does, any thing around it and thus cause motion. This quantum fluctuation does not have a underlying cause other than it being the nature of the instability of space. I don’t think anyone wants to equate either this instability or the quantum fluctuation itself with God.
2 - FIRST CAUSE: Some things are caused, anything caused is caused by another, and there can’t be an infinite series of causes. So there must be a first cause (a cause that isn’t itself caused by another). This is God.
There is a postulated form of space called deSitter space which is a possible underlying cause of the Big Bang and in fact makes possible the existence of many separate big bangs and many separate universes. Once again it is the mere nature of space and time in this deSitter space that causes these spontaneous generations of universes. It is an inherent characteristic of the space time continuum, that inherent characteristic certainly is not God.
3 - NECESSARY BEING: Every contingent being at some time fails to exist. So if everything were contingent, then at some time there would have been nothing – and so there would be nothing now – which is clearly false. So not everything is contingent. So there is a necessary being. This is God.
This also goes back to the issue of deSitter space because it can be nothing but empty space and whole universes can arise out of it.
4 - GREATEST BEING: Some things are greater than others. Whatever is great to any degree gets its greatness from that which is the greatest. So there is a greatest being, which is the source of all greatness. This is God.
This one relies less on the concepts of nature than any of his others, but it still relies on the idea of greatness and that is a term of evaluation; and an evaluation is only possible if one understands worth and that is linked to usefulness and that relates to our environment. We first have to ask how one is expected to determine in an absolute sense somethings greatness and how that greatness is to be transfered from the greatest thing to those of lesser greatness? But beyond that we should realize that if whole universes can come into existence from the nothingness of space and the inherent characteristics of mathematical space times it is impossible that the greatness of anything is passed onto to these spontaneously formed bodies, and they each contain their own self identifying characteristics.
5 - INTELLIGENT DESIGNER: Many things in the world that lack intelligence act for an end. Whatever acts for an end must be directed by an intelligent being. So the world must have an intelligent designer. This is God.
This one has been disproven by so many arguments it is hardly worth covering again. The watch maker and the watch idea is patently absurd, since there are many known complex items which can come together by chance. In terms of it acting towards an end that is only based on our judgment as to what an end is. If something acts so as to reach a conclusion we see no need for, it may appear chaotic or entirely random to us, (much as the weather or eclipses appeared to primatives) but to a superior intelligence it might appear to be a valid end (as most of us see weather formations or eclipses today). So acting towards an end is a relative concept and it can in some sense occur by random events or even as the result of chaos and needs no intelligent designer.
Please note that I am not implying these issues prove there is no God. I firmly believe in God. But it comes from faith. I am also not trying to say that these arguments are of necessity formally sufficient to disprove Aquinas’ assertions or arguments. That would require years of philosophical debate. I am just saying that there are enough bizarre concepts in modern science, (that Aquinas could never have know and taken into account), that his arguments are not convincing to a modern scientist, in much the same way as the shooting arrow argument I laid out in the post above.