I call accident as nothingness since it can take the proper form as intellect requires.…Substance is what exists fundamentally.
I simply mean the world outside that can be affected by intellect and world inside that can be affected by what is outside. The world outside consist of what is left from other intellect affection so our intellects can indirectly understand their existence through the exchange of information which is only possible through the forms. Hence intellects interact through exchange of informations and can construct knowledge.Please explain what you mean.
Our bodies is part of objective realities and that is where I think we have slight difference in opinions. Intellect belongs to inner world hence it could experience itself indirectly, whereas body and stuff that can be observe belongs to outer world which constitute of other intellects and forms.True but you have to remember that our bodies and their physical functions are realities that can also be sensed and experienced. At least many of them can.
Soul is equal to intellect in my language. That is where I think we should fix language to avoid further misunderstanding, Our knowledge is accumulate within intellect. Our functioning does however depend on our form. A person who is currently mentally disabled because of brain injury has the knowledge but it cannot function properly.Not correct…
The soul/intellect belongs to inner world so it is objective reality with that realm but not objective withing outer word.The soul is an objective reality, but we cannot " see " or " touch " it. Although we can infer its existence, and the existence of God as well.
You can experience them in your dream or when you are awake.We cannot infer the existence of Angels, we know of their existence only through Divine Revelation.
First, two intellect cannot have any contact unless they are immersed within a objective reality which is the the outer world. It is through form that they could interact and reach the awareness that something exist outside there.I have no idea what you mean by: " it is an objective reality toward another intellects meaning that has a form from another intellect perspective…" Please explain.
As I mentioned what can be experienced is a part of outer world toward intellect and that is necessity since it can be experienced.…We infer it by examining the behavior and characteristics of the beings external to the mind.
That is the part that we have a little of difference in opinion. Anything that can get affected and can affect surrounding has to have an intellect whether it is a human, animal, atom,…Thomas is not talking about atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, etc. He is talking about metaphysical compositon. Material beings are composed of matter and form ( which we call an essence or nature ), simple beings are essences or forms which are not composed of matter and form. The soul, and Angels, for example, are essences which have existence. That is they depend for their existence on God. God is an essence or nature which is pure existence, uncaused and perfect in every way…
Very well said. I think we are in the right page.…Eventually universal concepts or ideas are hooked together to form propositions and thus we have thinking based on stored knowledge.
So I am in Plato side. I think we therefore have to understand what is the definition of intellect. To me the intellect can be understood by following properties:… The source of the form, is the agent which has caused the change. The acorn, for example, is the agent causes the oak tree ( or visa versa). But the original source is God.
- It has no form since it is simple
- Intellect can control form.
- Intellect can be affected from surrounding through the form and can affect surrounding through the form it control.
- It is immortal since it cannot be decomposed because it is simple
That is the part we have problem with and I think I have explained it by now partially. What is left to stress 1) what is composed is more than sum of elements hence it has its own intellect, 2) the new intellect has its own functioning and can be a part of a bigger composition and the bigger composition has its own intellect…oak tree cause the acorn, etc., until we come to the universal cause of being, which is God.
Things are easier in my framework since there are only intellect and form which is outcome immersing intellect into nothingness.…ristotle proved in his Physics that the nature or essence includes both its matter and its form. It was Thomas who demonstrated that existence to the essence or nature through the form. But that is another topic. I think we have enough on our plate already.