Well, my only problem with taking the literal story and focusing on the meaning/lesson we are being taught, is that it seems very evident from reading the language of the writer (lists of names, ages, data etc) and the fact that he does not come out and say he is telling a parable as Christ does, but presents it as historical fact. Also, the interpretation of the Church (especially the Fathers) for 2,000 years has pretty much been that the details are literally true and historical. It is only in the 1800’s that anyone came up with the idea of “well, o.k. it looks like it didn’t, uh, exactly happen that way, so…it isn’t literally true, but still, it’s, uh, true.” Mythical stories just don’t edify my faith like fact does. Did Jesus rise from the dead or was it a story designed to tell us about our future resurrection? How can we say, "oh, no, Christ really did the things attributed to him, but the Old Testament is mostly “myth”? We don’t have much corroberative data from either time period, frankly.