First what is existence, how we could experience and how they are related:
Lets consider a close system in a given state, S, where S resides in physical so called objective reality. We call that S exist in objective reality. S can however causes another state, S’, where S’=L(S) where L is laws of nature. Both states, S and S’, are actual hence they cannot coexist together, as far as related to physicalism, S must vanishes before S’ appears. This situation however is paradoxical since it requires that S to exist (to cause S’) and to exist not (to leave room for S’). This paradox can only be resolve if we assume that awareness of S exists in consciousness, A=E(S), where A is awareness which resides in consciousness so called subjective reality and E is the experience. The state of S’ is then created using A such that, S’=C(A), where C is the creation. The paradox is resolved in this way with the price to accept the central role for consciousness. This means that physicalsim is wrong since it is paradoxical and as we discussed no change is possible without awareness which resides in consciousness. Consciousness by definition is a irreducible being with ability to experience and create.
How the act experience happens in absence of existence:
From above, we can deduce that the act experience A should happen after act of existence of S and the act existence S’ happens after the act experience A, otherwise S can only produce itself meaning that S’ must be equal to S. S however must vanishes to give room for S’. S however cannot suddenly vanishes before A takes places meaning that they are conjugate variables. Awareness of S however completely happens when there is no need for S to exist. Hence we have the following relation between certainty in existence and experience: DA*DS~constant where DA is uncertainty in awareness and DS is uncertainty in existence. This means that the external reality does not exist when we are fully aware of it and we external reality is fully exist when we are fully unaware of it.
In simple word, what we experience cannot be there since otherwise we cannot cause change.
Lets consider a close system in a given state, S, where S resides in physical so called objective reality. We call that S exist in objective reality. S can however causes another state, S’, where S’=L(S) where L is laws of nature. Both states, S and S’, are actual hence they cannot coexist together, as far as related to physicalism, S must vanishes before S’ appears. This situation however is paradoxical since it requires that S to exist (to cause S’) and to exist not (to leave room for S’). This paradox can only be resolve if we assume that awareness of S exists in consciousness, A=E(S), where A is awareness which resides in consciousness so called subjective reality and E is the experience. The state of S’ is then created using A such that, S’=C(A), where C is the creation. The paradox is resolved in this way with the price to accept the central role for consciousness. This means that physicalsim is wrong since it is paradoxical and as we discussed no change is possible without awareness which resides in consciousness. Consciousness by definition is a irreducible being with ability to experience and create.
How the act experience happens in absence of existence:
From above, we can deduce that the act experience A should happen after act of existence of S and the act existence S’ happens after the act experience A, otherwise S can only produce itself meaning that S’ must be equal to S. S however must vanishes to give room for S’. S however cannot suddenly vanishes before A takes places meaning that they are conjugate variables. Awareness of S however completely happens when there is no need for S to exist. Hence we have the following relation between certainty in existence and experience: DA*DS~constant where DA is uncertainty in awareness and DS is uncertainty in existence. This means that the external reality does not exist when we are fully aware of it and we external reality is fully exist when we are fully unaware of it.
In simple word, what we experience cannot be there since otherwise we cannot cause change.