If you have studied physics then you must know that the theory about irreversible processes was unknown for centuries. The knowledge about the tendency towards equilibrium is an integral part of such theory and it was unknown too. This means that those processes have happened without our awareness. So, awareness is not necessary for those processes to happen.I see what you mean with your mental experiment. But first thing first, how possibly S undergoes a change and reach a final state without presence of awareness. S–S’ is paradoxical.
Then you ask “how possibly S undergoes a change and reach a final state without awareness?” (let me remark that it happens without hate, and without admiration, and without many other things; though I have to say that some pre-socratics tried to “explain” change using their concepts of “love” and “hate” ).
As a physicist you should then analyze the system and you would observe something like this: the system that I arbitrarily have defined can be divided conveniently into several parts, and I can see that there is migration of corpuscles from one part to the other.
And this is the kind of explanation that humans as scientists can provide. Nothing else is necessary to take advantage of it. But now you might want to know why is it that systems tend to equilibrium. Scientists don’t care about that. As for philosophers, certainly some of them used to care, but it was because change involved epistemological problems. The question was: How can we produce science about something that changes? They thought that it was impossible, because if something changes and you have said something about it, a moment later it will not be applicable to it anymore. But centuries later Newton and Leibniz developed the theory of Calculus, and it made it possible to produce the desired science (with mathematics!!).
By the way, I think you should study Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Hume, Berkeley. They dealt with the problem you have in your hands, and ,without disrespect, they really did it far much better than you. This could help you to make a faster progress and eventually discard your ideas once you realize how they failed. I don´t know…
Best regards