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That is the best time of all, isn’t it? Aah – the springtime of love! The Song of Songs tells it beautifully. I particularly like the verses in Chapter 3 when the bride sought Him, but did not find Him, and went about the city asking everyone she met if they had seen “Him whom her heart loves!” So precious!

Oops, I just realized when you addressed “Joy” that you may have meant “Mijoy” and not me. I guess our names are very similar, so it can be confusing. Excuse me if you meant the message for her.

Incidentally, I picture you as a man, since we have no real name. Is that so?

Yes I did, but you are probably just as nice Carole! 🙂
Then my last post was a response to your post.
Ah yes, the whole world is LOVE. The great thing is, he never goes too far or for too long. There may be dry periods, some lasting for years, but there is always a reassurance that love is ever present and every bit as wonderful as it was on the first day.
No, I am a lady.🙂 And my name is Susan. God bless!

Excuse me if you meant the message for her.

Him 😃 .

MiJoy is the name of my boat.
Mi = Mike = Me
Joy = Joy = wife.

I like your name, Joysong, it’s uplifting.
Joy, an important part of experiences is falling in love. The Song of Songs describes it beautifully. Although it has been interpreted to represent the Virgin Mary and the Church, it also represents the relationship of the individual soul and Christ.
Ahh something else for me to research (Song of Songs) 😉 . Thank you Tru.
Well, now! I guess I really blew it. :rotfl: I thought Mijoy was female, and Tru was male. So very nice to meet both of you in your official genders!

Thanks for sharing the basis of your name Mike. Mine is a take-off from “carol” - a song of love and joy. Thanks!

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