Last time I read the Constitution, freedom of speech did not say “except celebrities.”
Respectfully opinion only, but according to His Spoken Word, Freedom of Speech is not free is it? Not taking sides either!!! But the truth shall set us free, is this not written?
But if true last administratin had 8 years and full support in all Houses, who had better relations with, yet choose to do noting on gun laws, is this true?
Free Will has been given to all, gives us All<> the right to Question and to Examine, but also Free Will< holds us all Accountable and Responsible for our own choices in Life and how our Free Will choices>>have effected the very Lives their >>Freedom and Free Will of others, does it not?
Matthew 12:36-37 " I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak. By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned" Applies to All those who sit in power or not?
Ten Commandments were given for all His Creation to obey, were given to give instructions, to know right from wrong, to be distributed to provide " Equality Rightes, Freedom and Protection for All"> would this be true?
Not one Commandment given, tells us, this Ten Commandment Law, applies for Woman to obey only >>but does not apply for men, or Kings, or for Rulers right, but for All to obey live by, for the good of all, do they not?
God does he not repeat often about the Lawlessones? Those who force others to obey their man made laws or laws given, yet they themselves do not obey them or live by them, would this be correct also?
Repeated over over again, shed no innocent blood? All life is sacred in the Blood, destroy not?
Can more innocent precious Lives be far more destroyed, within their heart soul and minds, through the unrighteous deeds, human actions, words of others then by guns?
Jesus tells us we have hearts of stone, certain guns agree fully should be banned, but human beings destroy precious innocent lives in array of inhumane ways then guns do they not?
By those who create civil unrest with their words, that seek not to heal a Nation, but set out to cause division for self interest only?
Unjust wars or Wars? going on daily also, great precious lives are lost daily?
Abortions >Source >>Abortion clock> Planned Parent Hood this year> 45,898.7 running clock>
Abortion just today> 1,828.5.running clock
US this Year> 124,694.1 running clock
Planned Parenthood since 1970 > 8,023,142.3 running clock
Worldwide> Since 1980> 1,485,385,135.5 running clock
Interesting yet a precious child gives a speech?
Drugs? Massive epedemic reported in the news>.how many thousands of precious, men/woman/children lost and daily also?
More men, woman and children are dying daily, not by guns either are they? by the minute around the world, for lack of food, clean water, dieases we have cures for, yet those who have been given much are never satisfied are they?
Not taking sides either all lives are precious and dearly loved.
Love our Neighbor as we Love ourselves as the Pope teaches us also> practice tolerance toward all. Peace
![Slightly smiling face :slight_smile: 🙂](