Oh wow…I guess I shoulda 'splained a little. I am trying to explain Catholicism to her but I don’t know exactly how close or far away Methodism is to it. When she was Baptist, it would have been easier to know where she is coming from. For example I was talking one day about preparing for my goddaughter’s first communion and she commented that her church also does that. She also said that they celebrated Ash Wednesday.
I know that some denominations have adopted a form of the Liturgy, but I don’t know which ones or if they do some form of communion to mirror our Eucharist celebration.
When she brought some of her questions to me she mentioned that she had watched a Catholic Easter Mass on T.V. and she since she’s considering a job at a Catholic school she wanted to know about Catholicism, so I’m wanting to focus on trying to tie everything in with the Mass.
As far as participating, [even when I was at the most ignorant of my faith] when I went to my friends Baptist services or retreats (aka ‘get saved’ trips in disguise) it was like water off a duck’s back. I was just not built for charisma-styled convincing, I gotta read the cold facts first.
I got one of my Fundamentalist Southern Baptist friends to come to a Mass with me, but I’ve learned my lesson in ‘always be prepared’ I didn’t have answers for why we did some things, but the big shocker for her was the visiting missionary priest who was black (no big deal to me, but her in her denomination that was just

I hadn’t been to Mass in that parish in a while and when she asked if
he was our priest, I shrugged and said I didn’t know. And since the homily was long, about the missionary, and with pamphlets. I just think the culture shock was just too much for her. She was too polite to say anything, but I think the kneeling part was just the last straw on top of everything else.
So that’s why I want to know about the Methodist service, so I can know were to pick up the slack in explaining.