As usual people are ignoring your comment that you didn’t want a big deal about ordination, you wanted to find a way to explain it to a non-Catholic or even a non-Christian. To a non-Catholic I would hold up our reverence for the Blessed Mother. Many Protestants see her merely as the winner of a selection process, not someone who was the mother of God. I think that it probably won’t matter but at least you can show that she is held in the highest regard (under God of course) in the Catholic faith and that women are saints, doctors of the Church, and that the Blessed Mother was the only human being who didn’t sin (Immaculate Conception). She also has days of obligation in the Church. That seems to be an elevation of women in a way Protestants don’t.First of all, please, I am not wanting to start any debate on why women should/should not be priests. They cannot be priests in the Catholic church.
I am looking for information and maybe looking for something that doesn’t exist? Specifically I am trying to find something that explains the reason why women cannot be priests and more importantly that the reason this is so is not anti-women or about lessening women’s roles in the church. I have a non-believing colleague that I talk with about this and I’m afraid I cannot put the reasons behind this into words eloquently enough for him to understand and hence am looking for some help.
Can anyone point me to anything that was written on this subject that might perhaps shed a better light on the topic?
Thanks and God bless.