How could I explain to an atheist/agnostic the Church’s position on condoms without, say, enrolling him in a Theology of the Body course?
It helps to know the position yourself, inside and outside.
The churches current postion is that sex exists as a conduit for reproduction and that new life always has preference over old life. Contraception is said to be wrong because it stops the potential for new life. The only contraceptive method allowed, the rythm method, is very, very unreliable, so its ability to interfere with ‘Gods plan’ is considered minor.
Condoms, if properly used are near 100% effective (98%!) and at that rate is deemed contrary to Gods plan.
Regarding lives saved, the churchs’ current position is that sex outside marriage is sinful, and the wages of sin are death. Those who have sex outside of marriage are morally culpable for any disease they catch, and their demise. Thus, the church is being moral when it demands followers abstain from sex and do not use condoms.
When high-ups claims condoms have tiny holes in them, are pre-infected with HIV, or provide no protection at all they are telling lies, and unfortunately change the ancient slander against the catholics into truth.
That slander is in Romans 3:8 as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say—“Let us do evil that good may result”?
It is the judgement of the church that preganacy must have a greater than 2% chance during sex.
it is the judgement of the church that all abortions are worthwhile over the use of family planning because the blame and the sin falls to the individuals.
It is the judgement of the church that prevention of death, the orphaning of children, and the destruction of villages and societies is a worthy cost for its opposition to condom use.
For those of you who say “condoms are not 100% effective” and use this as an argument, you must admit that 98% is a pretty close second.
Finally, we all fall back into sin. No one is free. You and I will fail.
The church knows this as well. But the wages of sin are death…