
This is not true. 30 years ago people thought homosexuality was rare and unnatural, they were simple misinformed. Now, the celibates and asexuals are ‘coming out’ and claiming their rightful place as well.Secular types unfortunately believe abstinence is unnatural. It really bothers me that most people seem to believe that sexual activity is a given, that it is a force that cannot and should not be controlled, that once a person reaches a certain age, he or she will almost certainly have sex.
How does that make you feel, that anstinance is a natural choice for some people?
Amongst those who study human sexuality it has been known for a long time that the variation is extrodinary, even with reports of people finding paving stones arousing. These scholars have recognised that just as many people are bisexual, and some are exclusively homosexual and some do not have sex at all.
The fact this knowledge is rare is not down to secularism (how easy to blame that, rather than actually check your facts ), but down to the fact it generally takes about 30-50 years for accumulated knowledge to be gathered, examined, tested, re-tested, found to be true and then put in to books . Only then does it enter common knowledge through the educational system.
This same process eliminates false knowedge from a system.
Surprisingly it has been discovered that abstinance/celibacy extends across species. What moral lesson can you draw from that? Animals refuse to have sex and breed? What can this mean?