Setting the ground(s) at the beginning of the process and changing the ground(s) are separate issues. Changing formulated grounds “without discussing it with anyone”: that is something worth pondering in light of what is said in canon 1514.In my husband’s case, the Tribunal completely changed the grounds of the case without discussing it with anyone. That is juridical abuse.
Not really. The petition should present the basic reason why the marriage is allegedly invalid and then the process (in terms of the questions/evidence that would be pertinent) flows from that allegation. To wait until the end to formulate grounds would be like saying “We are initiating a trial.” “What are you trying to find out?” “I don’t know yet. We will tell you when we finish.”[Witnesses] are contacted once the grounds have been determined.
Yes, it is. I am merely admitting that there are lots of variations out there, as a matter of fact.What happens in practice at a particular tribunal, however, can deviate from the norm in both trivial and substantive matters.
No, the process is not manifestly unjust nor does it beg for abuse. It can be abused, certainly, as can anything.The process as you have explained it is manifestly unjust and just begging for abuses. It’s time we laity started screaming to the rafters about it.
If it is possible for you to find assistance from an independent, knowledgeable canon lawyer, I would suggest that you do so.