Exploiting Matthew Shepard

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You know there must be something happening when the New York Times praises ABC News for running “an intellectually brave episode” of the “20/20” show that has angered the homosexual lobby. That means the Times found it convincing, and so did we. In the November 27 show, “20/20” uncovered the truth about the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, widely depicted as a hate crime because he was a homosexual. Almost everything we were told about this murder at the time by ABC, the Times and every other major news organization was false.

We were told that this University of Wyoming student was murdered simply because he was a homosexual. The truth is that he was the victim of a robbery gone bad by two drug addicts. What’s more, Shepard was also a heavy drug user who was HIV-positive. Not only were the perpetrators of this brutal crime not “homophobes,” but one of them knew Shepherd and was allegedly bisexual. The real story of the Matthew Shepard case, as the prosecutor says on “20/20,” concerns the dangers of methamphetamine. The two killers and Shepard were big meth users.

Why were the stories about this crime so wrong? The gay rights movement wanted to depict Shepard as an innocent victim of a homophobic society. This played into their demands for legislation to curb so-called “hate crimes.” One of the perpetrators used that to his advantage, arguing when he went on trial that he went into a panic when Shepard tried to proposition him at a bar. His girlfriend made the same claim in the media, including on “20/20.” But now they say it was all a ruse, designed to get him a reduced sentence by suggesting that he wasn’t in control of his faculties when the murder occurred. The ploy failed. Both of those involved in the murder got life in prison.

ABC and correspondent Elizabeth Vargas are now under heavy fire from the homosexual lobby for dispelling the Shepard myth. But ABC and Vargas ALSO show Shepard to be a very depressed young man, on the verge of suicide, because of his homosexual lifestyle. The “gay rights” lobby doesn’t want to face up to that. Matthew wasn’t “gay” and “proud.” He was profoundly troubled.

And that is why we probably won’t see ABC or the rest of the media take this story one step further into the issue of how homosexuals can leave their dangerous lifestyle. Dr. Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College has produced a videotape, “I Do Exist!,” on the phenomenon of the ex-homosexuals. The video explains how people fall into the homosexual lifestyle and how they can get out of it. If this kind of message had been available to Matthew Shepard, he might be alive today.

Instead, as “20/20,” explains, he was involved in a lifestyle that took him to seedy bars and wild parties, running into people like Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, who would eventually kill him. Their motive, however, was not hatred of homosexuals but money. They wanted Shepard’s money to buy more meth. In that regard, Rep. Mark Souder recently presided over a House narcotics subcommittee hearing into the growing national problem of methamphetamine abuse. That’s where the media should devote some more of their attention.

Let us pray that as he was dying, he cried out to Our Blessed Lord.
Amazing. A ray of hope in the MSM.
Nah…just a realization that we won’t get fooled again. The MSM has to change or die.

Lisa N
What is MSM?

I watched that show and I was surprised by it. It made a lot of sense to me. The gay activists knew that playing it up as bigotry would help them with their agenda.

Sad thing is though, there IS bigotry against homosexuals and it’s shouldn’t be accepted. Sadder though, is when people fight that bigotry by affirming the people in their sin and disorder.

If they had played up that Matt was depressed, the activists would blame that on the bigotry. Well fair enough, but that’s not the only reason or even the main one. Severe physiological problems very often accompany homosexuality.

Why aren’t more people trying to help them out of it instead of either condemning them to hell or encouraging them to settle for a second-rate life and be happy about it? Same-sex marriage or not, it is a second-rate life and nothing can change that. It drastically limits the amount of ‘happiness’ you are able to pursue and that is not the ‘American Way’.

What is MSM?

I watched that show and I was surprised by it. It made a lot of sense to me. The gay activists knew that playing it up as bigotry would help them with their agenda.

Sad thing is though, there IS bigotry against homosexuals and it’s shouldn’t be accepted. Sadder though, is when people fight that bigotry by affirming the people in their sin and disorder.

If they had played up that Matt was depressed, the activists would blame that on the bigotry. Well fair enough, but that’s not the only reason or even the main one. Severe physiological problems very often accompany homosexuality.

Why aren’t more people trying to help them out of it instead of either condemning them to hell or encouraging them to settle for a second-rate life and be happy about it? Same-sex marriage or not, it is a second-rate life and nothing can change that. It drastically limits the amount of ‘happiness’ you are able to pursue and that is not the ‘American Way’.

regarding your first question, I think MSM maybe Matthew Shepherd Myth, but that’s just a guess.

regarding your last question, I defer to Sheen’s wisdom I carry in my signature.
If I remember correctly, when this happened, Shepherd’s parents begged everyone not to make Matthew into a symbol. Looks like that request was ignored.
Luke your post would be considered a “hate speech”.
Main Stream Media
Thanks, I thought it was media something but I didn’t know what to do with the other two letters.
Luke your post would be considered a “hate speech”.
Exactly. An that is what makes me so mad. I tried to live that lifestyle once and it sucks. What is hateful is telling me that I have to settle for, embrace it, and be happy about it. Well, I won’t settle for it. God has a much better life in store for me and I’m going to pursue it.
The death of Matthew Shepherd was a serious, depraved crime and it is just that the ones involved received long sentances. It was not a hate crime and the notion of hate crimes (or crimes of though) is very unjust. Such a notion can backfire in good people and certainly people of faith.

Bigotry is always evil. Murder is always evil.

An important point regarding this case that everyone seems to miss is that if you leave a bar in an intoxicated state with stranges with the apparent intention to have sexual relations with them, bad things can happen. Matthew Shepherd did not deserve to die for this bad decision, however, sometime bad decisions are intractable.
Thanks, I thought it was media something but I didn’t know what to do with the other two letters.

Exactly. An that is what makes me so mad. I tried to live that lifestyle once and it sucks. What is hateful is telling me that I have to settle for, embrace it, and be happy about it. Well, I won’t settle for it. God has a much better life in store for me and I’m going to pursue it.
Bravo to you for not swallowing the myth. God has a much better life for you walking His path. Your statements are so pertinent to the rhetoric that IMO pushes confused people into a perverted lifestyle and who think they cannot escape it.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Your statements are so pertinent to the rhetoric that IMO pushes confused people into a perverted lifestyle and who think they cannot escape it.
And if I don’t do just that then I’m hateful. There are a few who would argue with me to the death about that. But there are many more, people of good will, who just don’t understand. Why can’t two people who love each other express it? What do you have against love? We have nothing against love, we are just trying to let you in on what love actually is. It’s so much better than you think! All homosexual, all out-of-marriage, and many in-marriage sexual encounters ARE NOT expressions of love! Genuine love and the expression of it is the mutual self-donation of each spouse to the other. The man receives his wife entirely by giving himself entirely to her. The woman gives herself entirely to her husband by receiving him entirely. This is true love! The culture wants us to settle for a counterfeit!! Why must we tolerate the counterfeit! All the counterfeit sexual encounters are not true love! They are a mutual taking from each other. I take what I want, you take what you want, we both consent to it and we’re both happy. You both are taking, no one is giving. Allowing someone to take is not the same as giving. With the real thing, God’s grace in involved and He is infinite. Even though you give all of yourself, you lose nothing, you only gain. Your union is live giving, not only biologically, but spiritually and emotionally as well because it is united to that same life-giving love of God. In the counterfeit, both partners take from each other until they have nothing left to give or there is nothing more the partners want from each other. You end up sucking each other dry and “falling out of love.”

And we’ve established that this counterfeit many times even occurs in marriage. Well since it’s happening in hetero marriages anyway, why deny that to homosexuals? Because that would be holding out as a norm something that cannot bring them the true happiness they are looking for. Keeping marriage defined as man and women (despite the fact that we have no power to change it in the first place) is saying, “Here is where you can find the true love and happiness you are looking for. Many do, some don’t, but here is your chance.” Having homosexual marriage is saying, “Well, since you might not find the real thing anyway, just settle for this counterfeit and be happy about it. You probably don’t deserve the real thing anyway.”

Please don’t let anything pressure you into thinking that it is charitable to tolerate homosexual marriage or to stay silent on the sinfulness of it. That’s would be hateful to people like me who are homosexual who don’t want to settle for a counterfeit or a second rate life.

Wow, I don’t know if that made any sense, but it sure felt good to write it. Thanks for letting be bend your ear.

Pax et bonum

Robbery gone bad?

Matthew Sheppard was tied to a gate a bludgeoned to death… well not exactly to death…well not exactly right away…

Shepard was discovered 18 hours later, alive and unconscious.

Shepard’s injuries were a fracture from the back of his head to the front of his right ear. He also had catastrophic brain stem damage, which affected his body’s ability to regulate heartbeat, body temperature, and other vital signs. There were also about a dozen small lacerations around his head, face and neck. His injuries were deemed too severe for doctors to operate. Shepard never regained consciousness and remained on full life support. He died at 12:53 a.m. on October 12 at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colrado.

The blood on Shepard’s face had been partly washed away by tears, indicating that he had been conscious for some time after the beating. He had been pistol-whipped 18 times with a .357 caliber magnum.

18 times!!! I am sure that he was fighting to hold onto his wallet the whole time. They couldn’t grab his wallet but they somehow were able to tie him to a fence. Please…

Yah this was all about money and I have a bridge to sell.

Look, all crimes are hate related so I don’t buy into the hate crimes bills but let’s not be asinine in our thoughts just because certain things go against our political leanings.
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