Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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It pains me to see you people squabbling. You are probably all are decent and caring people in your private lives. Do you not wish to debate and stay on the topic without cutting each other down? I think if we sat in a room over a cup of coffee and were face to face… there would be more respect and more tolerance shown to one another. At my age, I find it almost surreal sometimes… it feels as if I am on the playground once again and the bad boys are hurling the stones at one another. Good people, we may disagree… but could we not get along and be kinder to one another? I am thinking of leaving this place. What is the use of all this?
I would like to know at what point did I:
  1. Squabling
  2. Cut someone down
  3. Act like a bad boy who hurl stone
  4. Not kind
Dear Beng,

My disdain is about an overall experience, and is not restricted to this thread. Call me sissy, but I am getting tired of the accusations flying back and forth. Our Protestant brethren has not been active today… and I agree with you, there was not the usual nasty one liners this day. Maybe it was too peaceful and so I just lost my patience. Maybe this is the nature of the beast, the internet forum… Those, like me, who cannot stand the heat should not hang around too long? I may have overreacted. But sometimes these reactions are accumulative. The following quotes are from today: They may not be stones, but they are not words of kindness or tolerance:

’Another thread regarding saints outside the Church spurned me to start this thread.’
spurn - To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn.
just fyi.

Try being just Christian and not labeling at all.
I’m out of here too. Take your 700 year old psuedo-dogma and enjoy yourself with it.
** **

you who think xxxx has had fantastic bursts of knowlege and papal quotes
***Larger letters do not make better points. ***

Now, what do you think these letter say? I could make it larger for you.

Yours is the last comment Beng. It is certainly not a big deal. So once again, I am not wagging my fingers at you… maybe I am just tired of our collective humanity. I am sorry. God bless.
Dear Beng,

My disdain is about an overall experience, and is not restricted to this thread. Call me sissy, but I am getting tired of the accusations flying back and forth. Our Protestant brethren has not been active today… and I agree with you, there was not the usual nasty one liners this day. Maybe it was too peaceful and so I just lost my patience. Maybe this is the nature of the beast, the internet forum… Those, like me, who cannot stand the heat should not hang around too long? I may have overreacted. But sometimes these reactions are accumulative. The following quotes are from today: They may not be stones, but they are not words of kindness or tolerance:

’Another thread regarding saints outside the Church spurned me to start this thread.’
spurn - To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn.
just fyi.

Try being just Christian and not labeling at all.
I’m out of here too. Take your 700 year old psuedo-dogma and enjoy yourself with it.
** **

you who think xxxx has had fantastic bursts of knowlege and papal quotes
***Larger letters do not make better points. ***

Now, what do you think these letter say? I could make it larger for you.

Yours is the last comment Beng. It is certainly not a big deal. So once again, I am not wagging my fingers at you… maybe I am just tired of our collective humanity. I am sorry. God bless.
My last comment is witty, in reference to the “large” comment.

If the forum is an occasion of sin, give it a rest. Or maybe you could browse here.
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