Extraordinary Ministers - would you resign?

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[157.] If there is usually present a sufficient number of sacred ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may not be appointed. Indeed, in such circumstances, those who may have already been appointed to this ministry should not exercise it. The practice of those Priests is reprobated who, even though present at the celebration, abstain from distributing Communion and hand this function over to laypersons.
According to this, the priests and deacons must perform this function, as the ordinary ministers, before any "extra"ordinary ministers assist.
Special Ministers of the Eucharist
Redemptionis Sacramentum has clearified the title of this role to be “Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion”. I don’t know that it was explicitly clarified that it must be this title before this document. From a 1994 document from the Archdiocese of Chicago …
From The Sunday Eucharist and Other Liturgies
In response to a pastoral need, in 1969 Pope Paul VI issued the instruction, Custos Fidei, which allows baptized members of the faithful to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion in certain pastoral circumstances. This instruction and subsequent documentation, including Immensae Caritatis (1973) and the fourth edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (1975), has resulted in making the practice of auxiliary (or extraordinary or special) ministers of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick a common pastoral practice in the United States.
This uses three terms, with “auxiliary” being primary. So, I assume that at the time all three terms were ok to use. Now, I would assume we should begin to use the single, correct term moving forward.

According to this, the priests and deacons must perform this function, as the ordinary ministers, before any "extra"ordinary ministers assist.

Chapter II
2. The Ministries of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Celebration of Holy Mass
[44.] Apart from the duly instituted ministries of acolyte and lector, …
Chapter VII
[155.] In addition to the ordinary ministers there is the formally instituted acolyte, who by virtue of his institution is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion even outside the celebration of Mass.
Please see forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=36922&postcount=107
baltobetsy said:
Redemptionis Sacramentum tells us that Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should be used only in extraordinary circumstances where there are not enough priests and deacons to distribute Holy Communion without unduly prolonging the Mass. In many parishes, there is a virtual army of EMHCs at every Mass, even lightly attended daily Masses. If you are one of these EMHCs, would you consider resigning in light of the instructions in this document?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Yes, my wife and I are in the process of resigning. Eleven EM’s are scheduled for each of the Sunday masses. Its a zoo. We should let the priests distribute the body and blood of Christ. Instead I see the priest sitting down while EM’s are still distributing.

God Bless
I attend daily Mass at a church about 10 minutes away. The pastor is somewhat orthodox, in that he celebrates the Mass correctly. The Mass is said in the Chapel where they have Perpetual Adoration (a good sign), and there are about 60 people in attendance. They have three EME’s, one distributing the Host and two with the Chalice. I think the pastor, or the celebrant could distribute Communion and it wouldn’t take any longer than it does, because there is always a back-up of people waiting to receive the Blood of Christ. So, we wait.

I used to go to a noon Mass where the priest combined the Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, we have this bread to offer… and we have this wine to offer…to say, “we have this food to offer”. Also, when the Deacon was with him, the Deacon would sit down and the EME would distribute Communion. I stopped going there.

On Sunday’s, I drive 15 miles to Mass to a very traditional Catholic Church. It is the NO Mass, but there is no table, only the high altar. Mass is said with the priest’s back to us, and they use the communion rail. No EME’s, and I love it. They also have a Solemn High Latin Mass every Sunday at 10:00. Beautiful, beautiful singing and reverence in everything.

I am in the process of deciding where I want to join. My husband and I belong to a downtown church, but I never attend there. I am praying about it.

I am not an EME and I don’t think I could or would ever be, so I don’t have to worry about resigning. I sent my Archbishop an e-mail asking him if he could impose some kind of dress code for the EME’s, especially in the summer. They wear jeans, flip flops, and I think it looks disrespectful.
We just received word today that by July1, 2005, 24-26 parishes in our Toledo ,Oh diocese will permanently close. Ours will probably be one of them. If it does, my wife and I will not be EM’s at another church. It’s really a sad situation here. Pray for us and for more vocations.
This is a great thread with very important questions. I also hate to see crowds of EMHC’s milling about in the sanctuary, it certainly blurs the role of the priest. But I will concede that distribution under both species can be difficult without them. I am an EMHC for a retirement community where our Mass would be greatly prolonged without us, although we only have 3 and don’t “need” more. I definitely think ALL priests of a parish should distribute Holy Communion at ALL Masses as much as possible. It is wonderful for a large parish to be able to see all of their priests at every Mass–those who come to distribute usually stay to greet parishioners after Mass. The need for the hospitalized to be visited by a PRIEST who can hear their confessions is an excellent point–EMHC’s are not enough and may in fact be a hindrance. But I don’t like some of these rather snide comments about the Novus Ordo–if you don’t believe in the validity of the Mass, then you have bigger problems than “Eucharistic Ministers.”
I personally think use of the chalice for distribution of the precious blood should be abolished for good, and the only method to distribute communion under both species should be intinction(The priest or Deacon dipping the host in the precious blood) alone.

While I am sure there are some godo intentions, it seems to me that use of the chalice is only an excuse to use EMHCs.
I really hope St Joeseph parish in Toledo remains open, it is the center of traditional Catholics in that diocese, and the church is completely unrennovated, and uses its high altar still for mass.
But I don’t like some of these rather snide comments about the Novus Ordo–if you don’t believe in the validity of the Mass, then you have bigger problems than “Eucharistic Ministers.”
I really don’t think that is the issue here. If I didn’t believe in the validity of the mass, I wouldn’t HAVE a problem with the “Eucharisitic Miniisters.” They’d been no different than Habeeb down at the 7/11 handing out cookies.
New Oxford Review has reported that some Episcopalian parishes are giving “communion” to pets.

Why is this not offensive?

Because it’s just bread and wine.

Nevertheless, Fido can’t take it in the hand so it at least looks reverent. The same can’t be said for lapping up wine/grape juice.
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