I would love to be able to commit to God by faith alone, but in the last few years this has become a struggle for me. Being an engineering student, where analytical thought and logic are essential, I’ve found myself trying to apply a similar thought process to religion. I suppose if they ever take the NT to the big screen I’d be a more than able Thomas.
im an educated rational, materialist, and i find that logic, and evidence lead inexorably to a created universe.
the logic, the science, and the observable evidence combined with a sceptical analysis of the whole body data, lead me to G-d
thats not a view that is commonly expressed in labs and classrooms. in fact few in those positions have expressed any form of faith to me without knowing me well, as though their standing in that community might be damaged by such public expressions, and sadly, in many cases it would.
yet that is a microcosm, a tiny world, ivory towers, where in the culture is determined by a the select few that control tenure.
and those are usually people far to the left, who have no desire to be held to a religious standard of behavior.
unfortunately, from that position they can leverage great influence on young people and therefore on society.
you may feel pressured to conform to a non rational standard of intellectualism. i understand, i was too. yet you are not required to, in fact, the only standard that you are required to meet is that of G-d.
you can either cooperate with His purposes, and act as the good servant, to He that made you to fulfill those purposes, or you can accept the irrational view that something somehow came from nothing. thereby freeing you to act in any manner that satisfies your personal desires.
for me the logic expression of being created, is to ask what for? i can only relate it to being a tool, or device to accomplish something. for what of G-ds purposes?
do any of us create somethething for no reason? do i make a tool for the tools benefit, or for mine? obviously its for my benefit. how can we say that G-d is any different?