When I first joined my parish when my kids were young, CCD was on Sundays and people did drop off their kids while they went to Mass. One of the things I did to help me get out of that habit was to volunteer to help with CCD. My son’s class was also during the time when many parishes had reversed the order of sacraments, so he made his First Communion before making his first Reconciliation and made his Confirmation in the 8th grade. My daughter’s class was under a different DRE, and she moved CCD to week nights, and got the sacraments back in the proper sequence. I had difficulty one year - her grade had class on a night I worked, and I couldn’t find other transportation, so opted for CCD home teaching for my daughter that year. I had problems again with my daughter’s Confirmation class, which had been restructured into a 2 year program 9th & 10th grade - again because of work schedules and lack of alternative transportation. Home teaching was not an option for Sacrament preparation, so I had to ask permission for her to attend this at a neighboring parish. Father gave me a lecture, but did grant the permission, and she was confirmed. We did attend Mass more often as a family, but CCD enrollment must have dropped because the next DRE moved it back to Sunday, but Sacrament preparation involves additional evening classes. My grandson is in CCD this year. On the attendance sheet is a place for the parent to check off if the child has attended (or will attend) Mass that day - honor system. Over the course of the school/CCD year, there are several “Mass only” Sundays when the children attend Mass with their class. It’s not a perfect solution, but was implemented because of the “drop off” problem.