Families Who Kiss on the Mouth - Does Yours?

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My family kisses on the lips and it drives me crazy! I try to be nice and turn my head slightly but they don’t get the hint and just move their head so they can kiss me on the lips. Bleh!
blech, my inlaws used to kiss on the lips and then my SIL tried to force my oldest to kiss her on the lips until the day she objected and I was standing there and told her “You don’t ever have to kiss anyone you don’t want to and if someone makes you do something you don’t feel comfortable doing, you come tell me or your father immediately. You don’t have to kiss anyone on the lips if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.” This gave my SIL the clear understanding that my child now had “mama’s permission” to decline kissing on the lips and she and I would have issues should she force my child to kiss her on the lips. I personally find it gross (unless kissing my DH or my kids when they are super small).
my familly kisses on the cheeks, my wifes family insist on kissing on the lips, this is an ongoing dispute
Wow- I must come from the most kissy family ever.
I still kiss my parents on the lips, and I’m in my 30s.
And I can’t imagine NOT kissing my children on the lips…? People who’re posting that they don’t, are you speaking of older children? I mean, I can understand the teenagers not being thrilled with it, but surely you don’t avoid kissing your little ones? :o Come on! You’ve GOT to get all the kisses you can out of them before they get too old!

Now, my husband’s side are the most non-kissy, non-huggy people ever. So if there ever was a kiss to be had (though I shudder to contemplate such a thing…) it would be on the cheek.
Cheek kissing by families is ok, but mine doesn’t generally do it. Lip kissing only happens between parents and children or between spouses in our family.

Cheek kissing by strangers is such a violation of my personal space! :eek: It totally gives me the willies. But people who do it just keep on doing it, without regard for those of us who prefer a nice handshake from our safe 18 inches afar.
I’m definitely a non-kisser 🙂 Sometimes I become a hugger but that depends on the relationships of course 🙂
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