Family Planning Is Family Values

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So, would you attribute this decline to a reduction in the use of ABC?

No-there was no increase in ABC during the period abortion declined, Even with the lower rate we still have 1,2 million of our children killed every year. 25% of all Black children never live to see the light of day.

The drop in abortion can be traced to the rise of the Crisis Pregancy Center and increasing state and federal laws that limited acess to abortions.(parental notification, informed consent, waiting periods, etc))
The implication being that it is better to be dead than to be poor. :rolleyes: Of course, I realize they are talking about contraception and not abortion, but Row vs. Wade legally links the two.

The implication being that if you aren’t happy, you should get a divorce instead of trying to work it out… :rolleyes:
The “better dead than underfed” is one of the foundations of the modern pro-abortion movement. The idea is that if we can just limit the birth of black, yellow and brown babises we will all be better off. In days past this was called “eugenics” now it called “choice”
300 million is just numbers. I would bet that Americans are better fed than thev’e ever been-look at all the obese people. So this large population is certainly not creating a shortage of food.
300 million is just numbers. I would bet that Americans are better fed than thev’e ever been-look at all the obese people. So this large population is certainly not creating a shortage of food.
:rolleyes: yes it seems that a few are eating the food of the many LOL:eek:
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