Family Spiritual Leader - Who is it in your home?

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Who serves as spiritual leader in your home? Do you wish it were different?
I used to think it was me (wife/mother) and would become very frustrated with my husband. Now I realize that he has deferred this to me which is a huge compliment and means that he trusts me spiritually. So I guess he is leading in this manner. Do I wish it were different? Yes, sometimes I wish I had more guidance from him; I’m given free reign. Good thing I’m not wacky:whacky: .
If it comes from ‘dad’ call it a homily.

If it comes from ‘mom’ call it a momily. 😃
If it comes from ‘dad’ call it a homily.

If it comes from ‘mom’ call it a momily. 😃
I like that…😉 I would have to say that it is me in my home and family…they always come home to Mom for spiritual advice… Dh is a good practicing Catholic on Sunday…let’s just leave it there…I pray very hard for him. He sees me as a fanatic…😦
I am single, but live with my aging mother who taught me the faith, made sure I went to Catholic school and loved me during my incredibly stupid rebellious period. Now, because of EWTN and all you YOU, I am learning so much more about this beautiful Church of ours and my faith is deepening. My 4 year old neice and 9 year old nephew are not baptized, (my brother left the Church - please pray for his reconversion) but my sister-in-law let’s me teach them what I can teach them. I am learning how to be a Catechism teacher by practicing on them! I get to take Jillian (the baby) to Children’s Adoration once a month and I am trying, to the best of my ability, to plant a seed. If they ever do want the Church, they will know where she is and how to find her.

Please pray for all of us.👍
I am a single mom so it is me. I am getting married in 4 weeks so it should defer to him but as he just joined the church 2 years ago I think we will share this task. I don’t mind most of the time because it gives me the opportunity to learn more, sometimes I do wish he would take over more just because I think it is the right thing to do. As long as everyone gets the answers they need to hear I shouldn’t complain.
My husband is non-denom sooooo it’s me, although he does go to church with me and is very respectful of my faith. I’m pretty certain when we have children it will be up to me to show them the way, I guess…and he’s cool with that.
I am currently the “spiritual leader” in our home, however, I see the tide changing.

For the first 20+ years of our marriage my husband considered himself an agnostic and came to church very rarely (not even Christmas or Easter). This was after 19 years of Catholic school (grade school, high school, college, and law school).

My son and I have prayed for his conversion unceasingly, and when he was stationed in Cuba two years ago, he suddenly found himself at Mass one Sunday morning (he said he really cannot remember how he got there!), and has not missed Mass since.

He is not comfortable leading prayer right now (he asks our son to do that), but he always requests that we pray before every meal (including in public), and also asks for spontaneous prayer when the circumstance warrants it.

God is answering our prayers!

I have always been the spiritual leader and teacher of my family, but my husband is a very Godly man and prays perpetually throughout the day. He has an unwaivering faith and a sense of confidence in the providence and Grace of God. He is drawn to the Catholic Church. I truly believe that I am a good Spiritual leader but believe that he will eventualy have a complete adult conversion and become an even stronger and a more devout leader than I. I don’t think God is finished with him yet. We are *all *in a process of conversion. My husband is the leader of our home, I am the teacher, we are equal, we just compliment each other in our various strengths and talents.

Wow I always say this, “We need to take back God’s Rainbow! " Where did you find this and does it come in a bumper sticker or window cling? My husband always asks” Since when did sexual deviants take over the rainbow, a symbol of Gods’ promise?" For the record I am not a “gay basher” I support people of homosexual tendencies who desire to live a chase Christian life 100%, and desire equal rights for all humanity, but will not tolerate changing the definition of marraige… so I hope this doesn’t start a debate and hi-jack this thread… Just wanted to ask where you found this
hmm…my family, though we’re all really deeply rooted in our faiths, aren’t as vocal as we should be about our faiths. We pray together and sometimes talk together after mass, but never to the level I wish we did. Really, it’s when all of us venture outside our family to our own seperate little comfort zones that we open up more fully. Like I said, I wish this was different, but that’s my family and I love them to death:)
It’s a close call between us leading equally or my husband leading. I’m around more, so I have more talks with the kids about God and that sort of thing, and I lead more prayers and such. My husband, though … he just has a powerful faith that comes through in all sorts of unexpected ways. I can’t really decide, so I didn’t vote.
It’s me, sadly :confused: and yes I wish it were different. Better me I suppose than no-body for my kids. I just pray more than anything my kids grow up to love and serve the Lord!!!
My mom is the spiritual leader… and, well, Dad tries to keep her realistic
I am in my 30’s (for a bit longer anyway) and am single (as in never married). My younger sister is divorced (from a marriage not valid in the Church) with two children. We have an older brother who is fallen away and who is not necessarily anti-Catholic, but who is a big fan of John Hagee, and Jack Van Impe, and all of the “Left Behind” hype.

By the grace of God and not without significant suffering as related to our own lives, my sister and I are strong in our Catholic faith and have been for the past 7 or so years, I , quite suddenly and she not far behind, but we long for our Father, a good man, to commit to Our Lord in the fullness of the Truth for the sake of his own soul and the soundness of our family.

Our Dad converted to the Faith in phases over the years and is, of course, on his own journey into that fullness, but not necessarily seeking to grow, at least outwardly, towards the deeper understanding of Catholic Truth.(I realize that God works in the willing according to their personal will and in His time own time)

We could use some prayers for our Father (Husband and Grandfather) in this regard. Our family, though matured, still needs a Spiritual Leader.

(My brother is a third time (legally) unhappily married husband, married initially in the Catholic Church, though lacking in his understanding of Marriage in the Church at the time, and to this day 20 years later, who really needs prayer in this regard as well for his family)
I’d say that for us, we all kinda do our own thing. My mom and dad like to read books about inspirational Saints and Catholics. I do all sorts of things. My sister goes to Eucharistic Adoration once a week and volunteers at the church. I don’t know that we have a spiritual leader per say, but my sister is really taking her religious queues from me. I don’t really influence my parents though.

I voted Other.

Who is the spiritual leader in our home? The Holy Spirit.

And yeah, I know that’s not what you were asking for, but it’s true.
Well, I guess I’m in the minority since I said my husband and I both lead equally. I guess it should be him, and it definitely started out that way. But over the years, I have grown more and more into my faith and I have gotten involved in a lot more activities. He doesn’t really have time because he works a lot. I am home with the kids, so I take them to Mass on holy days and first fridays, and sometimes to my prayer group. I kind of initiate more of the religious activities around here, but that’s because I am home more. My husband loves it when I try to start new things when it comes to religion. He always goes along enthusiastically. He sets a good example of a Catholic husband and father. And he usually is the one to say the kids bedtime prayers with them. (He thinks I neglect this, but really I am not doing it on purpose so that he will get the chance to. 😉 When he isn’t home, I do it. ) He encourages me to learn more and more about our faith. He always asks me what I read about today. So I have to stay on top of things so that I can tell him about it all at the end of the day! So we have a pretty good system where we both do our share.
Sadly, its me. My husband was marginally Catholic when we met, but came to Mass with me. There was never a question that we would marry in the Church. But all of life’s ups and downs that drew me closer to my faith and more reliant upon it, he has caused him to turn from it. He is anti any organized religion or any expression of faith. He respects me, however, and pretty much gives me carte blanche in raising the kids. It is hard to take the girls to Mass every Sunday and leave him at home watching TV. The girls ask why dad doesn’t have to go to church and they do. When it was time for school, I put my foot down and said, the girls WILL go to private Christian school. (wish it was Catholic, but its the best we can do here)

He is so lost, so much in his life has caused him to become bitter.

I have to say though, the day the Pope died, my husband left for work that morning as I was glued to the TV for word of his condition. The confirmation of his death came just about lunchtime. My husband works in an appliance store, so the TVs were on and he was watching too. As soon as the word came, he told them he had to go home, that I would be upset and needed him. Not 10 minutes after the news he came through the door and held me as I sobbed.

I wish we could be raising the girls in our faith together. I would love to stand aside and have him take over as the spiritual head of our family. But I guess I have to be grateful that he doesn’t stand in our way.

Definitely my husband. He is very devoted to his personal and our mutual prayer life. We speak of God, our faith, even our afterlife, very openly and very often. He constantly reminds me to pray at every turn and I have always found his reliance upon God to be not only astounding but very attractive…and very safe-feeling. I never have to worry about him compromising his (our ) values and know that he will remain committed to living out our lives in the faith.

Before we married, we spoke a lot about what it means to be “the head” and “the heart” of our home. He recognizes his role as spiritual leader, protector and provider. The first few months after we married were very difficult for me (his parents were horrible to us, I was very sick, etc) and my faith suffered temporarily. I would often snap at him to stop reminding me about prayer, and often I would try to find an excuse NOT to pray with him. However, his gentle kindness and unwavering faith softened my heart and his arms were always open and waiting for me. I am so blessed to have a husband who prays and leads me! 🙂 Thank you, God… 🙂
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