
Chin up, Arlene!! Your story (loved the part about the day our Holy Father died) reminds me of several extended family members who are, sadly no longer with us. There were decades in which these men either didn’t participate fully with their wives in the Church or were an actual impediment to them. However, both women were some of the most headstrong, uncompromising people I have ever known when it came to their faith. In the end, one (my maternal grandfather) converted and became an incredibly devout and enthusiastic Catholic. The other (my FIL) never formally converted to the faith, but attended church with my MIL and generouly supported what he came to call “our Church” until his dying day. These women blessed their spouses and children with an incredible example of devotion. God may have similar plans for you…He only picks the best of soldiers…keep up the good work!!Sadly, its me…I wish we could be raising the girls in our faith together. I would love to stand aside and have him take over as the spiritual head of our family. But I guess I have to be grateful that he doesn’t stand in our way. Arlene