Family Stories Both Funny & Terrible

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Our family has way too many of these. Let the first be the Bosco Thanksgiving (and for those who know me, this will give away my identity, but it is too good to pass up).

For you youngsters, Bosco is a chocolate syrup, like Hershey’s. It came in a glass bottle with a pump.

My sisters and I were 3 (not quite 4), 2 and 1. My mother generally made Thanksgiving dinner in her family’s tradition. My father, for those of you who have already read some of my posts, is a bit irrational, always was. He wanted T-giving dinner just like Mama used to make. Grandma on Dad’s side was not that wonderful a cook. Neverthless, my mother dutifully wrote (not emailed) and obtained the recipes.

The crowning glory of this repast was supposed to be the most sugary coated sweet potato casserole to my knowledge ever in existence (and I betray my age by talking about chocolate syrup in glass pump bottles). I’ve never seen one quite as sweet as this one, anywhere. It had brown sugar, white sugar, marshmallows, and dark Karo syrup (down where Dad’s from, that’s pronounced “Kay-ro” like that city on the tip of southern Illinois). It was a diabetic nightmare.

There was also turkey- which my mother never ate. She does not eat poultry. There was some kind of pork and beans, and they were syrupy. There was cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and a sweet cole slaw. This was a sugar fest, even for small children who loved candy.

Dad normally ate in the living room, while the rest of us ate in the kitchen. Well, Mom was in the kitchen telling us we did not have to eat the syrup beans, and we did not have to eat the sugary cole slaw. But most of all, we did not have to eat the sweet potato casserole.

He heard. He said we did indeed have to eat everything on our plate, that he would not see his mother’s recipes wasted…and she retorted that he was lucky she did not scrape all that sugar into the garbage. They argued, and took their fight through the door into the living room.

Well. Being 3, not quite 4, I surmised that if the sweet potatoes had syrup, 2 kinds of sugar, and marshmallows, then maybe all they needed was a couple hits of chocolatey Bosco from the pump to improve them. I climbed up on the table, and helped myself. And it did!!! Bosco Bear would have been proud. Well, my sisters saw this, and wanted Bosco on their sweet potatoes, too. I obliged them. And while we were at it, we brought mole to our table by coating the turkey in Bosco. And the cranberry sauce. And the mashed potatoes…

…My father screamed at us, ever vulgarity in the book, and demanded that we eat every bite of our food, coated in Bosco or not.

With the screaming and Bosco and sugar in various fomats, our little tummies could handle no more. One after the other, we upchucked, all over ourselves, all over the table, all over the plates. My father started to take off his belt and spank us.

Normally, my mother would have let this behavior pass. Not today. She yelled at him, “I’m cleaning this up! Get your ________ in the bathroom and run them a bath. You’re cleaning them up! And I don’t want to hear how that’s woman’s work!”

We were scrubbed, and treated to Dad’s mumbles, all the while Mom was yelling, “Serves you right!” from the kitchen.
I am laughing as I type this. I have 2 stories. The first is when my sister (now 43) was around 4 or 5. It was near Easter and we had one of those pink Easter chicks that you could get anywhere. She was pushing it around in my brothers truck in the kitchen. All was well until it hopped out of the truck and my sister knelt on it. Squished it …FLAT… Boy was she heartbroken. My mother was sick when she had to scrape it off her pants AND the floor.

~ Kathy ~
I would like to first say that my husband is not now, never has been, and never will be a violent man.

We had a cat that kept knocking over the trash and dragging it all over the house every time we turned around. As we were leaving church one Sunday afternoon a friend over heard my husband saying something to me about having to go home and pick up all the trash. Well, our friend told us that he had once had the very same problem. That is, until he tossed his cat in the trash can. He said it only took one time for his cat to learn his lesson.

We returned home to the same knocked over trash can. I made my way through to the bedroom of our small apartment to change clothes and heard a big thud. You guessed it… DH had “tossed” the cat into the trash can.

Unfortunately he also shattered the cat’s shoulder blade. $1200.00 later Inky had a plastic shoulderblade and we had a cat that never knocked over the trash can again.

The vet felt so bad for my husband he nutered Inky for free!😛
This one’s funny but not terrible. It’s just a fun memory of my dear grandma (and the dentures which she rarely admitted to having). Up until the Thanksgiving before she died, Grandma (mom’s mom) would come over for dinner every year, bearing a wonderful pumpkin pie for dessert. So about 5 or 6 years ago, she and I were sitting at the table after dinner in a daze, while my parents cleared off the table and made coffee. We had some candles lit during dinner for ambience, and Grandma was trying to blow one of them out with no success. Finally she gave up, saying “If I keep going, I’ll blow so hard that I’ll blow my teeth out!” I caught her eye and we both laughed so hard that we nearly fell out of our chairs. Mom had to come out to make sure that we were okay.

And another pet story: my parents have an 18-year-old cat, who showed up on our front porch when I was 9 and never left, thanks to Grandma (from the story above) who was watching me while parents were out, and who found a can of salmon to give the “poor little hungry kitten”. Anyway, I wanted a pet, this one appeared to be free, and since Grandma (who lived with us then) kept feeding her, my parents figured they might as well take her to the vet and then just keep her. The vet informed us that her only problem was a major case of fleas, and since the office didn’t do flea dips on weekends, we should try a bottle of this special shampoo on the cat (this was before the development of those terrific Advantage flea drops, which I highly recommend). So we trooped home and down to the basement laundry tub. Mom plunked the cat in the tub and turned the water on. Shortly after this I started backing away in fear because the cat was howling like I have never heard before or since. She started trying to climb over Mom, using claws, and my normally mild-mannered and prissy Mom started yelling and swearing like a sailor, right next to the open basement window. I didn’t even know she knew all of those words. I can only imagine what the neighbors thought, and I’m not sure that cat ever got another bath. 😃
I was born and raised in a beautiful and quaint small town in Southern Ohio. When I was in5th grade my dad transferred to a town between Cleveland OH and Pittsburg, PA, just a few hours in either direction.

Just after Christmas, My parents took us to The Barnum and Bailey Circus at a Community or convention center, in Pittsburg. My dad drove us in our brand new conversion van and all four kids brought along electronic Christmas toys to play with on the trip.

Being from a small town we were all delighted with how pretty the city was around that location, with the tall skyscrapers etc. We kids were wide eyed and tickled looking up at how tall the buildings were.

The Circus was great and when we came out to get into the van, my dad walked ahead to get the van and bring it otI can still see the look on my dad’s face when as he walked back, like his best friend had just slapped him in his face and told him that he was really a girl. “The Van is gone!”

We had trouble calling the police and when they finally got there they looked at my parents like they were completely stupid for parking their new van across from the center next to a paid parking lot rather than in it.

They basically acted like there was nothing they could do, when they received a call. Someone had given the police an anonymous tip that a van was being stripped in the parking lot of their home in “the projects”

For our transportation to the site, the police put My mom and dad, my 8 yr old sister, 6 yr. old brother, 4 yr old sister and my 9yr old self in the back of a stinky, disgusting paddy wagon and drove us through the streets surrounded the “pretty” part of the city, the buildings and crime ridden streets just behind those tall sparkling buildings.

AS we drove by, locked in teh paddy wagon, people tried to look in to the rear window to see who had been arrested. It smelled of regurgitated alcohol and urine. By the time we got apartment complex, our new van was wide open in in a parking lot. All the seats had been removed, the stereo, the Christmas toys, my new sewing kit, my mom’s camera case, my little sister,s ratty blankie, the steering column, EVERYTHING was being stripped out of it in broad daylight!

Thankfully, a lady approached the police to let them know that much of our stuff was left in a hallway, soon the officers came walking out of one of the apartment buildings with the seats, my sister’s blankie and a few other items.

An older African American lady walked up to my parents and told them she was sorry that this was happening to us in her city. She was very upset and said “We aren’t like this in my neighborhood, the men who did this are not from here.” My parents had to rig the steering column and drive with a screwdriver, they put the seats in the best that we could and we drove home with our van in a shambles. The captain seats were like rocking chairs.
My dad’s family was hard working but poor. Until the early 60’s they didn’t have running water, an indoor toilet, a telephone, car or tv. They didn’t have treats very often, and he particularly loved chocolate… and still does. He recalls a story when he was 4 years old and his sister was 6, She walked up to him, excitedly “Momma gave us chocolate milk!” He was so excited and happy, taking a giant gulp from the glass, he didn’t realize until his mouth was full of mud water, that his sister was playing a cruel joke on him. Poor kid, he says he cried for an hour.

That story always made me feel so sorry for him!

Just a few weeks ago, my 4 year old son came running pitifully upstairs to the bathrooms sink, spitting out a mouth full of ground black pepper. Eyes watering, choking. My 8 yr old daughter was trying her best not to laugh. She tried to lie but my son told me the whole story of how she said “Hey I have chocolate powder, try it!” She put a spoonfull of pepper in his mouth.

Although I was scolding her, telling her how cruel it was to do that to her brother, she was still laughing. The only appropriate punishment I could think of was to give her a taste of her own medicine.—er-- pepper. I put a teaspoon full of pepper in her mouth.

I actually stated feeling bad because she got some of it in her throat and it burned. :o I don’t think she will ever try that again.
When my two Older sisters (Now 37 and 33) were little, they were playing house one day and Missy (then 7) filled a plate with rocks. She told Shannon to eat her potatos… and she did!!!
My Mom took Shannon to the Doctor, who simply smiled and said “It will all come out right… in the end” 😃
One day, in the heat of summer, my brother and I were playing on a “Slip n Slide” ( long plastic that you would wet and slide on).

:dancing: We were having lots of fun but it was so hot and we were tired of waiting for our turn, so we came up with a “great” idea to be able more efficient way to use it without having to wait on each other. :hmmm: Two ends, two people, duh, why hadn’t we thought about it before! Excited with this new idea, we each slid on from a different ends simultaneously, but soon realized we had overlooked the fact that we were going to meet in the middle. All I could do is scream as we slid towards each other.
To this day my brother has a scar in the form of the bite of two teeth on his forehead.
I apologize for the political component of this.

Anyway, both my wife and I came from traditional Catholic families (she Irish and me German-Irish) with a long line of Democrat politics. While my immediate family is all GOP, most of my wife’s family is still Democrat. When my middle daughter was probably 5 or 6 she asked me the difference between a Republican and Democrat. In an effort to explain it in a way she understood, I told her that Democrats want to take more of my money to spend it on things that Daddy disagrees with while the GOP wants me to keep my money to spend it as I see fit.

A month or so later, my daughter and I were running an errand before my wife and I left for a long weekend. Democrat Grandma was going to stay with the kids. While on this errand, my daughter said that she didn’t want Grandma staying at our house and she was visibly upset. I asked her why as Grandma is a great loving woman and my daughter loved going to her house. She then blurted out, “I don’t want Grandma to take all of our money.”
One of my relatives was in an accident in the woods. One of the small logs, instead of falling to the ground as the bigger ones do, kind of bounced instead, hitting him hard on the back. He was obviously badly hurt, so he was airlifted to a nearby hospital. The surgeons made an incision from his sternum all the way down. In the process of looking for damage, they of course handled a lot of stuff that is not meant to ever be handled. When he came to from surgery, he was in a world of hurt, and his belly looked as if a full-length zipper had been installed.

When one of the surgeons came by to talk to him, he told him that although his kidney was badly damaged, the surgical team had decided not to remove it. Although it would be some time before he could return to work, they thought it likely that he would recover fully. The surgeon ended by saying, “You’re very lucky that you didn’t lose a kidney.” The patient, upset at the fix he was in, said, “Lucky, H*LL! If I was lucky, I wouldn’t have been hit by a tree!”
One day, in the heat of summer, my brother and I were playing on a “Slip n Slide” ( long plastic that you would wet and slide on).

:dancing: We were having lots of fun but it was so hot and we were tired of waiting for our turn, so we came up with a “great” idea to be able more efficient way to use it without having to wait on each other. :hmmm: Two ends, two people, duh, why hadn’t we thought about it before! Excited with this new idea, we each slid on from a different ends simultaneously, but soon realized we had overlooked the fact that we were going to meet in the middle. All I could do is scream as we slid towards each other.
To this day my brother has a scar in the form of the bite of two teeth on his forehead.
:eek: We still have ours. That toy was great!
So I was on my way to the movies with my friend, my brother, and his friend. I was looking pretty sharp in my hand-me-down GAP shirt and trendy shorts with a shiny exposed silver zipper right in front. Got there, no mishaps… halfway through the movie (no clue what it was, an action movie though) my friend leans over and whispers, “I gotta go to the bathroom, but I don’t want to miss anything.”
I agreed, and we decided to ‘hold it’ and make a mad dash for the back once the credits started rolling.
Well, it was a long movie, and we REALLY had to go. My friend was on the end, and beat me to it, along with a mom and son. There were regretably only two stalls. The mom took one look at me, and said, “You go first.” I must’ve looked desperate.
To my dismay, the zipper was stuck. I pulled and pulled- nothing. I even pulled the tab off the zipper. Then I found a paper clip in my pocket, and mangled that up too. I thought about just ripping the shorts, but my cute little gap shirt wouldn’t have been able to hide it afterwards.
The zipper wouldn’t budge, and I was already letting out little squirts when I would stop concentrating on ‘holding it’ to pull with all my might on the zipper.
I decided I would have to make it home- about 7 minutes drive. I was the only one with a license. We all got in the car, everyone hysterical at my plight, and I drove home cross-legged screaming, “green lights, green lights!!”
I got home, tore open the door, and started scouring the house for a pair of scissors. Nothing.
When I got to the bathroom, all I could do was step in the shower and go right through my clothes. Then I had to walk around in it until I found a pair of scissors to cut the shorts off me. Gross, huh?
When I was a child, my dad’s job sent him to San Francisco for a couple weeks. My mom and I drove him to the airport. My dad is sitting shotgun with his arm hanging out the window, when all of a sudden he starts pounding his fist on the roof of the car and cussing a blue streak. He had left his teeth on the counter in the bathroom!! He swore the rest of the way to the airport, but there was no way we could go back to get them. So my mom had to mail them to him at the hotel he was staying at.
When I was growing up most of the neighborhood was Catholic. Really. Us kids played ‘Saints and Martyrs’ instead of “Cowboys and Indians”.

I had a great dog named Snoopy who had the run of the neighborhood. He used to like to sun himself in the middle of the street.

All the neighborhood Dads tried so hard to watch their language - the place was teeming with kids and they were trying hard to be good examples.

One day Mr. Bonnici from next door drove around the corner to find Snoopy in the middle of the street, sunning himself. He honked the horn but Snoop didn’t move. Just sat there. Mr. Bonnici gets out of his car, gently leads Snoopy to the side of the street. By the time he gets back into his car, Snoopy is back in front of the car.

This went on and on, I think at least 5 times. Finally my mom couldn’t stand it (we were laughing as we watched out the kitchen window). We went outside to rescue Snoopy AND Mr. Bonnici and we heard him saying over and over again,
“Gdn it, Snoopy! Forgive me, Lord. GDn it Snoopy! Forgive me Lord”.

I always think of that as an honest attempt by a good man at his wits end to be a Faithful Catholic Christian.
When I was a child, my dad’s job sent him to San Francisco for a couple weeks. My mom and I drove him to the airport. My dad is sitting shotgun with his arm hanging out the window, when all of a sudden he starts pounding his fist on the roof of the car and cussing a blue streak. He had left his teeth on the counter in the bathroom!! He swore the rest of the way to the airport, but there was no way we could go back to get them. So my mom had to mail them to him at the hotel he was staying at.
OH NO - toothless dad!:rotfl:
I remember many years ago coming home from a day in the park with my family when we got home my father told my mother that he was going to Church’s to get some fried chicken for dinner and my sister Lisa said “Dad what church has fried chicken” it was so funny we all busted up laughing. Church’s chicken was something like a KFC this of course was in the early seventies.

God Bless

PS most of our funny stories center around my sister Lisa and as I remember them I will pass them on. I have no idea what my family would have done without her.
I have a 5 yr old daughter that keeps us in stitches.

This past summer we moved from GA to CA. Well, seeing how the desert of SoCal is MUCH hotter than GA, she was searching for ways to keep cool. We had just returned from a househunting trip when my hubby and I walk into our hotel room and we notice our 5 yr old kneeling by the mini fridge going “nuh… uh…elp!” We walk over to find her tongue stuck to that metal thing they call a “freezer” My hubby is trying not to giggle while getting warm water and I’m chastising her up one way and down another. When she’s dislodged, I check her out… she’s fine. Then my hubby and I look at each other, fall into the bathroom and we just couldn’t contain our laughter anymore.

When my girls decide to not clean their room, they know mom’s version is much harsher. I clean their room OUT… meaning dump it. So one day, I’m having a particularly hard day with post partum depression, feeling worthless, used, unappreciated by all… etc, etc, etc. So I’m sitting on the floor of my dd’s room and crying my eyes out telling her I’m going to have to clean her room because refuses to do it. With all the maturity a 5-yr-old-going-on-16 can muster, she goes “Oh good, when you find my purse, can you hand it to me?” and walks out of the room clearly intending to not clean up and doesn’t care about what I’m about to do. Needless to say… she’s not got much in the way of toys anymore and I got over my self-pity quite quickly.
I remember many years ago coming home from a day in the park with my family when we got home my father told my mother that he was going to Church’s to get some fried chicken for dinner and my sister Lisa said “Dad what church has fried chicken” it was so funny we all busted up laughing. Church’s chicken was something like a KFC this of course was in the early seventies.

God Bless

PS most of our funny stories center around my sister Lisa and as I remember them I will pass them on. I have no idea what my family would have done without her.
Oh we have a Church’s close to my house in my hometown and I loved going there, they make the best hot honey biscuit caramel sundae.
when I was 4 or 5 or so, I thought I was one brave little girl. Brave enough to watch Gremlins alone even (my parents were home, didn’t want to sit with me and watch, and advised me not to watch alone either).

By the end of the movie, walking upstairs alone in the dark, I wasn’t feeling so brave anymore. I tiptoed into my bedroom and cowered under the sheets.

For some reason, I had developed this habit of holding my breath a few seconds before I let myself fall asleep, just so I could hear anyone else in the room breathing. Ideally, I wouldn’t hear anyone else breathing. I was paranoid, I guess.

So on this particular night, I held my breath, and much to my horror, the was someone else in the room! I was scared stiff, couldn’t move. Even my voice was paralyzed. I let out a strained whisper, “Mom!” No answer. It took me another few minutes to muster up the courage to repeat it. Still no answer. I tried a few more times: nothing. Ok, deep breath, but still in a very weak whisper, “Mom? Dad? Can you come here a second? I need a drink of water!”

They probably couldn’t hear me over the dishwasher in the kitchen, and the breathing in my room was getting heavier. By the time they came up to check on me, I’d probably be dead. I mustered up all my courage to try one last time at the top of my lungs. “MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!”

The breathing next to my bed turns to hysterical, evil laughter as a mop of hair flies up. This was the end, he was going to kill me right then. I screamed bloody murder out of pure terror, and started sobbing uncontrollably.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. My little brother used to play jokes like that on me all the time, and I thought it would be funny.”

What a cruel joke for a mother to play on her four or five year old!
when I was 4 or 5 or so, I thought I was one brave little girl. Brave enough to watch Gremlins alone even (my parents were home, didn’t want to sit with me and watch, and advised me not to watch alone either).

By the end of the movie, walking upstairs alone in the dark, I wasn’t feeling so brave anymore. I tiptoed into my bedroom and cowered under the sheets.

For some reason, I had developed this habit of holding my breath a few seconds before I let myself fall asleep, just so I could hear anyone else in the room breathing. Ideally, I wouldn’t hear anyone else breathing. I was paranoid, I guess.

So on this particular night, I held my breath, and much to my horror, the was someone else in the room! I was scared stiff, couldn’t move. Even my voice was paralyzed. I let out a strained whisper, “Mom!” No answer. It took me another few minutes to muster up the courage to repeat it. Still no answer. I tried a few more times: nothing. Ok, deep breath, but still in a very weak whisper, “Mom? Dad? Can you come here a second? I need a drink of water!”

They probably couldn’t hear me over the dishwasher in the kitchen, and the breathing in my room was getting heavier. By the time they came up to check on me, I’d probably be dead. I mustered up all my courage to try one last time at the top of my lungs. “MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!”

The breathing next to my bed turns to hysterical, evil laughter as a mop of hair flies up. This was the end, he was going to kill me right then. I screamed bloody murder out of pure terror, and started sobbing uncontrollably.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. My little brother used to play jokes like that on me all the time, and I thought it would be funny.”

What a cruel joke for a mother to play on her four or five year old!
Oh my gosh. If my mom did that to me I’d probably never talk to her again. :rotfl:
My youngest sister was born on St. Patrick’s day and my dad, being 100% Irish, was entirely thrilled.

We used to have huge family parties every year, with lots of activities and festivities. My sister was always sort of the little queen of the party, and she loved her birthday celebrations.

One year, when she was turning three, my brother decided to rub green food coloring mixture all over her. He did this mid-way through the party and then she ended up falling asleep. Disappointed, he walked her upstairs to her little bed and put her to sleep.

The next morning, my little sister sleepily appeared at the breakfast table, an interesting shade of green. My mother flipped out, thinking she must have swallowed something green with major dye in it and it had somehow been absorbed into her body and turned her green! She called poison control and they told her to take my sister to the ER. (My brother was peacefully asleep through all of this.)

I was sitting worriedly on the couch, waiting for my mom to return with my baby sister, when my brother came down and asked where everyone was. I told him that poor little Kerry had been poisoned! He was like, What are you talking about? And I told him how green and sick she looked. He was like, Oh no…
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