Hi guys. My two kids and I play D&D. However we make it Catholic. So such Jesus is the only true God. Thas has led to some unforseen things to happen in the game. Or at lest things that would have never happend whin I played the game in HS.
One time the local towns “public” cematary was having its graves robed. < spelling? > Well to make a long story shorter. In the “big” confertation with the bad necramanser at the end my kids tore into him. No not with swords or spells but verbaly.
I was spechless as my kids told the necramanser he was walking away from God by doing horrable things and needed to get to confestion. Never in a thousand years did I expect that. In the end thay got the necramanser to repent and follow them back to church. Wow. I never saw that before in a game.