Fare thee well...

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I’m resigning my account today…

I’m sorry but I can’t accept that there are just too many homosexual sympathizers, and general heimeculai who preach too many worldly fashions in ignorance of God’s will.
At least two or three hand fulls on every board…

Sorry again, but I think this board needs a huge spring cleaning…

fare well…
Is this because of me? 😦
No because of people like werner, norwich, and many others…
Read their blatant pro and homosexual apologetic posts…
Do you think maybe they’re shills? From the cabal? I think most likely they’re just being influenced by the carefree lifestyle.

But if you leave, that’s one less person fighting the good fight. Then they’ve won.
Do you think maybe they’re shills? From the cabal? I think most likely they’re just being influenced by the carefree lifestyle.

But if you leave, that’s one less person fighting the good fight. Then they’ve won.
Fight what, their heimeculai, and judging from their posts, their sympathize way too mcuh with the homosexual lifestyle, I don’t see how any could get through their thick skulls! But I’ve been doing this months on end, I was trying to find a forum where the catholic dogma was paramount, with no worldly **** in it. Anyway, I’m sure there are here more patient enough and willing then I.Besides I’d rather spend my time fighting where it actually counts, like in public facits and oinnions. Anyway take care…
But if you leave, that’s one less person fighting the good fight. Then they’ve won.
It’s easier to quit than to fight.

Christ-Face - Welcome to the Forum.
Another one! :rolleyes:

These melodramatic exits are getting to be quite frequent.What ever happened to just not posting anymore? Why the big announcements all the time??? :confused:
Another one! :rolleyes:

These melodramatic exits are getting to be quite frequent.What ever happened to just not posting anymore? Why the big announcements all the time??? :confused:
:yup: Drama queens (and, no that is not a homosexual reference!)
Let me understand -

There are 3 people who are pro-gay and 20,072 who are not, but you are leaving because the 3 annoy you? This is not a place for the thin-skinned, apparently.

Welcome, Christ-face.
Valtiel, Jesus said there are many rooms in my fathers house. Why do you deny others a share of Gods gifts? Why do you put people in your own little boxes? Looking through the total of your posts on this forum they have either been anti Anglican or anti gay. You accuse others of being pro gay, thats untrue, its just that others are less quick to judge, some of us look for the good in people and not just write off a portion of Gods people as evil or godless or whatever. All are capable of redemption in Gods eyes and when you realise that, you will find that you have peace of mind and soul, you will no longer have to rale against any one of Gods people.

If you feel you have to go, so be it. I wish you well and hope you go with Gods blessing. :blessyou:
PROBLEM: Thread veering into personal attacks.
ACTION: Thread closed

Thanks to all who participated with grace and charity.
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