I came across this article (https://thecatholicwoman.co/interviews/ethical-fashion-in-light-of-theology-of-the-body) that talks about fashion and explains that it reflects the dignity of the human person and expresses the soul. It was interesting because I never thought of it in that way before, but I’m not sure if I agree with the article.
The article encourages freely expressing ourselves with our clothing, because the body expresses the soul. But if we’re focused on making ourselves look beautiful and unique, isn’t that not being humble? Shouldn’t we not want to look or think of ourselves as beautiful, except in the sense that God created us and loves us? Aren’t we supposed to deny ourselves? Isn’t it humbler not to strive for self-expression?
And I mean to certain degree it’s unavoidable, because we do have to fit in with society at least somewhat. We do have to choose which clothes we will wear, so our personal tastes do come into play. But shouldn’t we aim to dress low-key and ordinary, so we aren’t focusing on our own beauty?
I really don’t know though. What do you guys think?
The article encourages freely expressing ourselves with our clothing, because the body expresses the soul. But if we’re focused on making ourselves look beautiful and unique, isn’t that not being humble? Shouldn’t we not want to look or think of ourselves as beautiful, except in the sense that God created us and loves us? Aren’t we supposed to deny ourselves? Isn’t it humbler not to strive for self-expression?
And I mean to certain degree it’s unavoidable, because we do have to fit in with society at least somewhat. We do have to choose which clothes we will wear, so our personal tastes do come into play. But shouldn’t we aim to dress low-key and ordinary, so we aren’t focusing on our own beauty?
I really don’t know though. What do you guys think?