I’ve been going through a bit of a difficult time with the possibility of an as-yet undiagnosed illness. Although waiting for an answer has been a pretty distressing period, I have become closer to God, Jesus, Mary and the Saints through a vastly increased amount of prayer.
In addition to prayer, I’m curious as to people’s opinions about the effectiveness of fasting and personal sacrifice when seeking God’s intercession for something in our own lives. By personal sacrifice I mean giving up some of the things we enjoy, and thus suffering in the process, such that we can receive a “favor”, if you will, or special blessing from God.
I’m not sure what the Church or my fellow believers think about this, because in a way making sacrifices to ask for God’s intercession puts the responsibility for the cure, blessing, favor or whatever it is in OUR hands since we can choose whether or not to make the sacrifice. A sort of “I’ll do this if you do this for me”… If viewed this way, then it doesn’t seem like the right way to approach a distressing situation.
But on the other hand, agreeing to make a sacrifice of something that we would have enjoyed as an offering to God in faith that He will indeed deliver could be viewed as a sign of tremendous faith in God. As if saying, “This is really important to me God, I’m willing to give this thing up that I enjoy and do whatever it takes for You to help me with this”…
I’ve really been struggling with this, and would appreciate any comments or opinions on the matter. Thanks!
In addition to prayer, I’m curious as to people’s opinions about the effectiveness of fasting and personal sacrifice when seeking God’s intercession for something in our own lives. By personal sacrifice I mean giving up some of the things we enjoy, and thus suffering in the process, such that we can receive a “favor”, if you will, or special blessing from God.
I’m not sure what the Church or my fellow believers think about this, because in a way making sacrifices to ask for God’s intercession puts the responsibility for the cure, blessing, favor or whatever it is in OUR hands since we can choose whether or not to make the sacrifice. A sort of “I’ll do this if you do this for me”… If viewed this way, then it doesn’t seem like the right way to approach a distressing situation.
But on the other hand, agreeing to make a sacrifice of something that we would have enjoyed as an offering to God in faith that He will indeed deliver could be viewed as a sign of tremendous faith in God. As if saying, “This is really important to me God, I’m willing to give this thing up that I enjoy and do whatever it takes for You to help me with this”…
I’ve really been struggling with this, and would appreciate any comments or opinions on the matter. Thanks!