That’s why I asked the question.
No, “magical” doesn’t mean “purely arbitrary”. It means that the entity has no naturalistic explanation. Since Original Sin transcends the natural world, why should it need to be passed to our descendants through naturalistic processes? It’s a fair question.
Hi Oreoracle,
Sorry. Father Barron is beyond me.
You do have a fair question. However, the idea that Original Sin transcends the natural world does sound a bit odd to this cranky granny. This is because the Catholic teaching is that it is the Contracted State of Original Sin which is what our nature receives via natural procreation going back to Adam and Eve.
On the other hand, the idea of something which transcends the natural world is on target because human nature per se is an unique unification of
both the natural world
and the spiritual world.
Now, I am not insisting that you believe the Catholic story of Original Sin. Instead, I am simply hoping that you can understand the foundation for the story of Original Sin and then proceed from that point. Personally, I consider Genesis 1: 26-27 as the most reasonable foundation. We need to begin with the idea that humans are in the image of God because we have a spiritual principle, that is, a rational immortal soul. Adam, who is a real human in the image of God, has the ability to communicate with his Creator.
Obviously, God communicated with Adam in Genesis 2: 15-17. God was very clear that the roles of Creator and creature were not interchangeable. If Adam were going to remain in God’s friendship, he would have to choose to live in submission (be obedient) to his Creator. The sign of Adam’s obedience is that he chooses not to eat from a forbidden tree. What is important about Adam at this point is that he is created in the Friendship State of Original Holiness aka Sanctifying Grace. Adam’s original State of Holiness/Sanctifying Grace describes the State of Adam’s human nature.
The importance of Adam, as the first being with a fully-complete human nature, is that in Adam is all humanity “as one body of one man.” This translates to the fact that Adam, with his spouse Eve, would transmit their original State of Sanctifying Grace aka Original Holiness to all their descendants via human’s natural method of propagation. Because of Adam’s disobedience, his original state of friendship with his Creator was destroyed. We, as Adam’s descendants, receive his human nature thus deprived of Original Holiness. This deprivation is called the
State of Original Sin. Baptism, by giving us the
life of Christ’s grace removes the State of Original Sin by giving us the State of Sanctifying Grace aka Original Holiness aka restored friendship with our Creator in which God gives us a share in His life.
Here is the short answer to your question. Human nature per se is an unique unification of both the natural world and the spiritual world. This does not mean that humans have two distinct natures united. Rather, the *union *of the two natures forms a single nature. It is the material anatomy which procreates the continuation of the human species. It is God Who creates the spiritual principle (intellective soul) at conception. The union of soul and body, which results in one whole person, does not exclude the State of Original Sin because the first parent of humankind is a whole person capable of transmitting the state of his nature. As persons, both spiritual and material, Adam and his spouse Eve could transmit their state of their human nature. The nitty-gritty of this transmission is still a mystery. Yet, not knowing this mystery in depth is not a reason for denying Divine Revelation as contained in Catholic teachings.