Father's Rights? Men Want Right To Turn Down Fatherhood

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Father’s Rights? Men Want Right To Turn Down Fatherhood

**NEW YORK – **Contending that women have more options than they do in the event of an unintended pregnancy, men’s rights activists are mounting a long shot legal campaign aimed at giving them the chance to opt out of financial responsibility for raising a child.

The National Center for Men has prepared a lawsuit – nicknamed Roe v. Wade for Men – to be filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Michigan on behalf of a 25-year-old computer programmer ordered to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend’s daughter. The suit addresses the issue of male reproductive rights, contending that lack of such rights violates the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection clause.

The gist of the argument: If a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood. The activists involved hope to spark discussion even if they lose.

This should be an interesting debate because men don’t have the same choices…Wonder which side the ACLU and other groups will jump on???

This I disagree with. You do the sin, you must pay for it but only if the woman decides to keep the child. All other option, they should not have to pay for, especially if they are against abortion.

Nancy Reagan was right: Just Say No!
Here, I have to disagree with my pal PF:
I think a man should have to pay for support, even if it’s just a small amount, so that he will always have to remember that he too is responsible for his actions.
This I disagree with. You do the sin, you must pay for it but only if the woman decides to keep the child. All other option, they should not have to pay for, especially if they are against abortion.
This is an issue in which the men are at once 100% right and 100% wrong. What I like about this case is that it calls attention to the double standard that feminists themselves have set up.

The feminists insist that abortion is necessary to level the playing field for women, giving them the choices that are unencumbered by child bearing and child rearing – same as men. However, by insisting on access to abortion, the message they send to women is that they shouldn’t have to own up to their responsibilities if they so choose – quite unlike what is expected of men.

When men father a child, he is expected to “own up like a man” and “step up to his responsibilities” no matter what the circumstances are, and at great sacrifice to his time, resources and energy, and even if a man has to put off social advancement in the form of seeking an education or moving to where a more lucrative job awaits. Abortion abrogates that expectation and duty for women, portraying them as a weaker sex, unable to own up or step up to their own responsibilities, especially for – though not limited to – women with few resources. Only a feminist would define this as “progress.”

In essence, what this lawsuit shows is that while men, who have no choice in the matter of an unplanned pregnancy, are expected to bear the consequences of their actions, women are not. They can choose to avoid motherhood and all the labor and expense attached to it even though men are held to a higher standard of responsibility. Men who do not are chided as “dead beat dads” whereas women who abort their children are lauded as bravely exercising their “right to choose.” These men are only seeking the same respect by society and a level playing field.

So men are 100% wrong in denying their responsibility to raise a child, but 100% right when their argument is grounded in the lie know as “reproductive choice.” Like Bishop Fulton Sheen said, anyone can logically rationalize their way to a lie when they begin with a lie.

I have yet to hear a feminist or any of the libs on this forum defend this anti-feminist double standard of their own design.

Morning Glory said:
Nancy Reagan was right: Just Say No!
Here, I have to disagree with my pal PF:
I think a man should have to pay for support, even if it’s just a small amount, so that he will always have to remember that he too is responsible for his actions.

The best way for a man to stay in God’s grace is to keep his heart open and his zipper closed.

Mike :whistle:
MY point is that now we can bring it the fore front about men’s right to also decide about the life of a child. Since both engaged in sex then both parties should have some decisions making power. They may want to use it get rid of fininancal responsibilites but it brings up the point of men wanting a say in the life of child instead of just being the “sperm donor”. If it makes people re look at their arguements that abortion is okay then it’s worth it. We need everything we can get to keep this conversation going so that people can see that the logic behind allowing anyone to kill their child is wrong.
It’s his child whether he wanted it or not, and it’s his responsibility as much as the mum’s to help raise the child.
It’s a dicey issue. It’s the mom’s body, so I understand the law saying she has more say, but a woman can simply choose to have an abortion and face no consequences, whereas a man doesn’t have that choice. That said, I think father’s should have to pay child support. From a secular perspective, I discussed this with my mom and we thought it might work if a father could prove he would pay for mom’s prenatal care and then take custody of the child and be a fit parent after birth, he could stop her from having an abortion if he wants the child. I think father’s should have rights in this regard.
I don’t see this as a slap at fatherhood, but rather an anti-aborition issue. The mother can abort her child and the father has nothing to say about it. But what if the law stated both parents have to agree to abort the chlid. More times than not, the father wants to keep the child.
I don’t see this as a slap at fatherhood, but rather an anti-aborition issue. The mother can abort her child and the father has nothing to say about it. But what if the law stated both parents have to agree to abort the chlid. More times than not, the father wants to keep the child.
My only concern with that is a man could do that just to spite a woman, or what if he raped her and could still force her? Someone who has no business being a father? Now of course from a religious standpoint, this shouldn’t matter, as abortion is wrong. But from a legal standpoint, it is the mother’s body and I think a man should have to prove his ability to and agree to take custody as I stated in an above post.
On Tuesday, while at my prayer group across from the abortion clinic, a couple pulled in to speak with us. They had gone into the clinic to inquire about an abortion. The father wanted to talk to the doctor about what was involved in the procedure, but he was not permitted to speak to a doctor unless he put down his $150 deposit. Then he asked what would happen if they paid and then decided not to go through with it. The woman told him that he had no say so in the matter and that is was completely up to his girlfriend. There was more discussion, but that is the jist of it. This young man was quite upset about the whole thing and called the abortion clinic workers the most ignorant people he ever met. He seemed surprised to find out that these workers “don’t care about us at all!”. They are keeping the baby! 👍 We gave them a baby blanket and some info on different places they could go for help, and told them they could come talk to us and ask us for help anytime.

After they left, we started discussing the rights of fathers. Why is it that a father has no say so in whether his child gets murdered? And the feminist activists are the first ones to go after the fathers for every penny they can get when the women are the only ones who have a “choice”. Why? If they are the fathers after birth, why aren’t they considered fathers before the birth? If we were to test the baby’s DNA, it would be able to be linked to both mother and father. This may be a cracked way to expose this double standard, but I understand it.
Are men’s rights in fatherhood an issue that needs addressed? Absolutely. Is the right fro some deadbeat to turn around and walk away so he can carry on with his life as it was before part of that? I’d say no.
I think trustmc brings up some excellent points and this is yet another reason why abortion is such an evil- it not only comes between a mother and child but a mother and the father and pits men against women in general.
Feminists want to have it both ways, but they can’t.
They want abortion on demand, but they can’t do anything to stop sex selection abortions abroad or here in the US, because that will get in the way of -unfettered abortion on demand.
They demand that it’s “my body, and my choice and no one, certainly no MAN is going to tell me what to do with my body” but we as a society expect men to step up to the plate when she decides to keep the child.
BTW, I think men SHOULD step up to the plate, of course, but in the old days, that was accomplished by expecting people to abtain from sex until married, and if a guy got a gal pregnant out of wedlock, he was usually expected to do the right thing an marry her.
I think the sexual revolution was a disaster.
I also think that there is a connection between the unlimited abortion licence and the epidemic of boyfriends and husbands killing their pregnant wives and girlfriends- it usually comes to light in many cases they didn’t want the child but the woman refused to abort.
I am in no way in support of the above mentioned men’s right movement in the first post- I just think it’s a logical extension and rotten fruit of the sexual revolution and abortion on demand and ripping apart of the fabric of the family.
Interesting - the feminist double standard comes back to bite them.

I was just thinking about how a lot of men just love abortion: they get to look like Mr.Sensitve while having more sex, less responsibility - it’s cheaper than child support - and men don’t have the same kind of connection to the unborn child, so they aren’t as likely to suffer from guilt. It’s a win/win for them - no wonder a lot of women are pressured into it by their boyfriends. Now they want an even sweeter deal, absolving themselves of all responsiblity and leaving the woman & child in the lurch completely. Oh, thank goodness for feminism and the sexual revolution! :rolleyes:

In essence, what this lawsuit shows is that while men, who have no choice in the matter of an unplanned pregnancy, are expected to bear the consequences of their actions, women are not.
men and women have all the choice in the world with regard to unplanned pregnancy. If they don’t plan to get pregnant they can avoid the activity whose only biological purpose is achieving pregnancy. In other words, zip it up and keep it zipped. You play you pay. period.
Does anyone else see this lawsuit as incredibly childish? The man they are using sounds like a little kid who got his toys taken away. People need to grow up and realize that sex, does in fact, cause pregnancy.
Does anyone else see this lawsuit as incredibly childish? The man they are using sounds like a little kid who got his toys taken away. People need to grow up and realize that sex, does in fact, cause pregnancy.
Me me me! I do. He sounds like a 25 yr old vengeful man retaliating against his ex-girlfriend. Like he had no culpability…he was duped by her ya know! :rolleyes:

I think his legal actions are despicable.
Are men’s rights in fatherhood an issue that needs addressed? Absolutely. Is the right fro some deadbeat to turn around and walk away so he can carry on with his life as it was before part of that? I’d say no.
How is a woman who aborts her child to avoid the responsibilities for her actions any different from a deadbeat father who abandons his child for the same reason? What is so ethically different between the two? (And don’t give me some hypothetical argument about rape or incest. These are extreme cases that abortion extremists use to justify all abortions.) If you’re against deadbeat dads, then why are you not also against deadbeat moms who go even further and kill their child? Like puzzleannie said, “you play, you pay.”

The thing that is very scary to me is that a lot of people AGREE with this guy. On another message board I participate in almost everybody is all for this. They’re more concerned about men getting “tricked” into fatherhood (as if they have a gun held to their head :rolleyes: ) than the poor child that is a result.

The attitudes of people really scare me. I think it’s very likely with public opinion the way it is that it could end up being very common for father’s to get away with abandoning their children.

And the ones to pay the price for our selfishness are the children.
Does anyone else see this lawsuit as incredibly childish? The man they are using sounds like a little kid who got his toys taken away. People need to grow up and realize that sex, does in fact, cause pregnancy.
Sounds like everybody’s agreed (at least here) on that.
Incredibly childish, and selfish.
In fact, darned near HALF as childish and selfish as the woman who wants to kill the child (as opposed to withhold $ from him/her).
That’s why Trustmc’s point is true: that this riduculous stand is totally understandable, if you accept the even more ridiculous stand that pro-abortion folks do.

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