It is interesting that the only link you provide comes from Fr. Gruner’s own website!
Could you find a link associated with the Church that supports his claims?
Why is Father Gruner being hounded whilst in our Catholic Seminaries we have openly heretical theologians teaching our future priests? Why is he being hounded and warm messages being sent out to heretics like Hans Kung?
Hans Kung has been receiving similar treatment from Rome as Fr. Gruner has - despite the fact he is a personal acquaintance of Ratzinger’s.
Gruner and Kung happen to be on opposite ends of the spectrum is all.
what are the faithful to make of it when they see our leaders praying with other religions?
I had no idea catholics were forbidden from praying with people from other religions.
Could you point me to where the Church has forbidden this?
Does it matter if you Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Buddist or Jew? Do we need Our Lord’s sacrifice?
Sure it matters…at the same time it is important to remember that God loves ALL people equally regardless of their religion.
He wants to save ALL of us. Everyone needs Jesus’s sacrifice whether they know it or not.
I am in no position to put limits on how God may or may not save others - that is His department.
You don’t need to go to Church to be good". Ever had that debate?
Sure - it’s a silly debate.
But I don’t pretend to know what will happen with that person.
Everyone has a story. Only God knows everyone’s story.
We should pray for these people. Yes…maybe we should even pray WITH these people.
Apparantly the false religions are “the great religions”. We can even learn from them! If I hear one more priest quote Gandi again I will scream.
Where does our Church declare false religions as "the great religions?
Do you believe you can learn NOTHING from a person if that person is not a catholic?
I’m sorry. Exactly WHAT is a scandal? That catholics have prayed with other people?
The Second Vatican was deliberately ambigious in its definitions, the modernists have since picked up the ball and run with it.
And how are you in the position to know who did what “deliberately” and who did not?
You must know then…exactly which bishops and cardinals were “deliberately” ambiguous?
Could you point me to these deliberately ambiguous documents?
Deliberately ambiguous phrases?
Yes…modernists have misinterpretated VII.
That is not a problem with VII - that is a problem with modernists.
And we see the fruits of “the spirit of Vatican II”.
I see no “good fruits” in a priest attacking our pope - spreading wild paranoid conspiracy theories - and denying the authority of the Church when he has CLEARLY BEEN SUSPENDED!!
God raise up strong defenders of the Catholic faith.
Thank God for Pope John Paul II!!!
Mary Immaculate pray for us.
Yes indeed.