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Fatima has been talked about much in the past couple of months. Has everyone here heard of the Fatima sacrileges? I hope you have. If you haven’t heard of this – read the following: www.fatima.org/060304rit.htm.
I personally think this an outrage and sacrilege against the Catholic Faith.In reparation for this I believe we should all say many Rosaries in reparation for this.I also want to know what your opinions are on this.
I heard about that at Onerock.com Its disturbing to think this would happen anywhere, espcally at a spot favored by Mary
I don’t watch a whole lot of EWTN but I did happen to catch Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s interview w/ Fr. Fox. And Fr. Fox basically denied that all of this was happening. So, either he is unaware or he is a liar.

I don’t watch a whole lot of EWTN but I did happen to catch Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s interview w/ Fr. Fox. And Fr. Fox basically denied that all of this was happening. So, either he is unaware or he is a liar.
First let me state unequivocally that if a Hindu religious ceremony was performed in a Catholic church–at Fatima or otherwise–it is sacrilegious. A priest that allowed such a thing should be disciplined and the proceedings condemned publically by the bishop.

However I am not yet convinced that such a thing has happened. The fact that Fr. Fox denied that it happened only encourages my scepticism. The photos show a bunch of Indians in traditional Indian dress doing something at a Catholic altar. Well it may come as a surprise to some but there are in fact Indian Christians and some them wear traditional Indian dress.

See this article for the type of misrepresentation that makes me suspicious of these kinds of claims.
Is this orgainization obedient to the Holy See? Sure doesn’t seem to be. After reading through their website they seem well intentioned but something tells me not to trust them.
Father Fox is not a liar so we should listen to him. I really don’t think he could be unaware either, because he has the whole Fatima Family Apostolate going. At you will come to an article called Fatima, Shrine for All Religions? It tells of how a lot of false reports are spreading about Fatima. I believe Fr. Fox.
The article was quite lengthy but one word keeps jumping out at me: “Ecumenism or ecumenical”. (Ok two words but they are the same thing).

That really scares me because Chrsit wanted us to ‘go out and make disciples of those in the world.’ Eucmenicalism reminds me of what the Ancient Israelistes did in the Book of Isaiah (accepting the worship of pagan idols, etc) and you know what happened, the kingdom of Judah and Benjamin were swept away by the Babylons.
What does that have to do with us today? Too much of acceptance in exumenicalism could water down our thinking and practices of the Faith.

Just a thought or two presented here.

go with God!
Is this orgainization obedient to the Holy See? Sure doesn’t seem to be. After reading through their website they seem well intentioned but something tells me not to trust them.
They are, if not actual, then borderline schismatics, one of those splinter groups that believe that everything from Vatican II on, is wrong.
You guys talk about Fr.Fox but what about Fr.Gruner? Fr.Gruner is also approved by the Vatican and has received letters of encouragement from the Pope and his secretary Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz. Fr.Gruner is not suspended either. Fr. Gruner said this happened and even Portugal’s news network SIC said this happened. If this was only a bunch of Indian Christians how come the pictures have pictures of Hindu idols? How come the pictures say “da familia hindu porteguesa”? Hindu is the religion, so this cannot be dismissed as a group of Hindi[the nationality]Christians. Also the Hindu priest does have a mark on his head,which is common amongst Hindus.
Catholic Eagle:
If this was only a bunch of Indian Christians how come the pictures have pictures of Hindu idols?
(1) There is nothing linking the pictures containing of the idols with the pictures inside the church.
(2) The “idols” are little statues of people. Could be idols. Or they could be saints. There are non-European saints, you know.
How come the pictures say “da familia hindu porteguesa”? Hindu is the religion, so this cannot be dismissed as a group of Hindi[the nationality]Christians.
It is the veracity of this news broadcast that introduced those subtitles that I am doubting, not the internet site that is citing it. Every internet source for this event that I have found, even Hindu ones, cite this same single source. Until it is verified from an independent source, I am suspending judgment.
Also the Hindu priest does have a mark on his head,which is common amongst Hindus.
That could be because a lot of Hindus are Indian and wearing such marks on the forward are a common decoration of Indians. Just maybe.

I don’t know enough about Indian customs to say what is specifically religious and what is not.
Melman I read the letter but what in the world is" the extreme view"? What in the world does that mean? The pictures don’t lie. This was a sacrilege. It is a sad event. Remember Fr.Guerra can lie. Do you think that Hindus praying on the main altar isn’t a sacrilege?
I have heard many reliable sources, including Fr. Pacwa, say that the “Fatima sacrilege” is a hoax. However, if it were real, it would indeed be a sacrilege.

Ryan King
Catholic Eagle:
what in the world is" the extreme view"? What in the world does that mean? The pictures don’t lie.
You don’t know the full story, indeed unless you were there you don’t really even know what the pictures are of. You’re assuming the worst. Let those who know, take care of the matter.
Call the priest Fr.Gruner or Reverend Gruner or Reverend Father but not “Gruner”. He is a priest give him his dignity.

Anyways how has Reverend Father Gruner been discredited? If you threathen Rev. Father Gruner’s reputation, giving him a bad reputation amongst other Catholics isn’t this calumny? These insults against Father Gruner need to have evidence. Father Pacwa’s or Fox’s relations on EWTN need more proof. A letter saying that this shall be a Catholic sanctuary with only Catholic ceremonies is just a letter. A letter cannot prevent a sacrilege.

Anyways if if this was only a pilgriamge of Indian Christians why did the Bishop and Rector of Fatima make such a big effort to greet them when thousands of Catholics come through Fatima and are probably not even noticed by them.
Sorry to say this but you probably won’t believe me. Anyhow, here it goes: I went to a Rosary Rally with Fr. Gruner being the head speaker. It was years ago, but at that time Russia had been consecrated to the Blessed Mother. Father Gruner told us it wasn’t. I even asked the Apostolate for Family Consecration about this at the time. They told me that Fr. Gruner kept wanting to believe it wasn’t consecrated when it was. Fr. Fox even said it had been consecrated at that time. I do not say that he is a bad priest, but I am just telling you what I have personally experienced about him.

God bless you.
This is disgraceful this ranks up Quoran kiss by the Pope.
I’ve heard Karl Keating explain this on the radio. I can’t do it justice, but it was something to the effect that it is the custom to kiss a gift as a show of gratitude. It does not mean that he accepts what is contained therein! I think Karl had answered this question on the air approximately 70 times, but maybe he would explain it once again if you wanted to give him a call. Fr. Fox is a wonderful priest. I would give him the benefit of the doubt and would be very careful about leaping to judgment. Satan loves to attack holy priests.
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