Favorite Mel Gibson Movie and Robin Williams Movie

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The one’s that they were actors in, not at the same time. Just to clarify. Two diffeent movies.

I was thinking of watching a move tonight and it’s hard to go wrong with two great actors like that. I was gonna ask for a third, just cuz threes are nice, but I can’t think of another one at the moment. hhmmmmm…

How about Meryl Streep if you are so inclined.
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Um, the only Mel Gibson movie I’ve watched is the Passion. So there’s that. Aaaand the only Robin Williams movies I’ve seen are Hook and Night at the Museum II.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
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You really need to see Mad Maxx sometime. You are a walking anomaly for an Ent. 🙂
I’m going to catch a lot of shrapnel from someone who objects to the rampant violence in the movie Mad Max however. Ruh Roh.
Funny enough?? Hmmmm…need a superlative here, Greens. Have you seen even 3 Robin Williams films?
I’m sorry to say ,I took a peek sometime back and "Mad Max " just kind of looked mad,perhaps too close to home:) If it were all American or English or something it would have appealed more.:woman_shrugging:t4:
I have , but there’s humour,humour and humour 😉
Have you watched Mrs Doubtfire before Jamal?
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Wow, is that what you Aussies are really like? 🤔 Good to know! Thanks.
My kids and I enjoyed watching Jamungi with Robin Williams in it 🙂 :+1:t4:
Mel Gibson’s first movie doesn’t look recommendable. It was made in 1977. Too much sexual content.
How about watching all the Indiana Jones movies ? I thought they were pretty good 🙂
I guess for Mel it would be Braveheart.
For Robin, maybe Good Morning Vietnam.
Yeah, those are good ones.

Mel is such a young dude in Mad Maxx. Now he has quite the beard and is looking like Gandalf’s brother Shandorast. 😮
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Jamal, have you seen Dead Poets Society or The World According to Garp? 2 Robin Williams dramas. Oh, and also Night Listener?
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Ummm, Maybe DPS, I forget…i would hardly remember. The other two, not.
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