Philip K. Dick
His “The Pre-Persons” is an extremely powerful pro-life short story which should be used more frequently in the fight but is not.
“The Divine Invasion” is my favorite (not of most PKD fans however). Yes, it is gnostic as are all his book but the dark Germanic humor combined with PKD’s yearning for salvation is wonderful.
The movies based on PKD’s work are poor. PKD’s message–we are fallen but there is humor, hope and salvation in our condition–comes off more as dispair and confusion on the screen.
Some short excerpts of his work on the net:
Why T-34 Soviet Tank is Better than the Search for God–Excerpt from
How to Smuggle Dope across the Border–from “
A Scanner Darkly”
Autofac–1954. First hint of nanotechnology. Tiny factories reproduced themselves.
A few PKD quotes:
“Out of courtesy to us He hides His identity from us while here.”
“I am not fighting for freedom; I am fighting for a coherent society.”
“I’d like the bible to be true, but - well, maybe if it isn’t we can make it so. But, alas, it’s going to take plenty of work to do it.”
“We are all doomed to commit acts of cruelty or violence or evil;that is our destiny, our karma.”
“That’s marriage these days. Legalized hate.”
“Making America laugh is patriotic; it helps the morale and defeats the Commies.”
“Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would not call that a disease but an error of judgment.”
“There is nothing fantastic or ultradimansional about crab grass…unless you are an sf writer, in which case pretty soon you are viewing crab grass with suspicion. What are it’s real motives? And who sent it here in the first place? It only looks like crab grass. That’s what they want us to think it is. One day the crab grass suit will fall off and their true identity will be revealed. By then the Pentagon will be full of crab grass and it’ll be too late. The crab grass, or what we took to be crab grass, will dictate terms.”