Favourite hymns

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I’m Baptist and signed up for RCIA / RCIC.

One of my favorites is “Lift Every Voice and Sing”.
See cyberhymnal.org/htm/l/i/liftevry.htm

It is also called the “The Negro National Anthem”.

The poem was “originally written by James Weldon Johnson for a presentation in celebration of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln”.

The words were first baptized in blood long before they were written. On fields where slaves toiled, on Civil War battlefields and in various other places.

If they don’t yet, I hope Catholics will learn to sing it.

Otherwise, I feel I cannot miss joining with my Predominantly-Black Baptist congregation during February when we sing it every Sunday.

I also love Ave Maria.
oh, by the way, mine are ‘Jesus, remember me’ and ‘Here I am Lord’
There are so many…my favorite is “Holy God We Praise Thy Name”.
Amazing Grace followed by A Closer Walk With Thee, probably like them because they are left overs from my Methodist days. The Methodist do have some very inspiring hymns. 👍

It is hard to pick a favorite, I love many for different occaisions.
Yesterday, at Mass, we did one I really love. “ONLY A SHADOW”.
I know that “On the Wings of a Snow White Dove” is *one *of my favorites.
I love “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which I think would make a better, more singable, less militant national anthem than the one we have.

I have always loved Be Thou My Vision, and was playing it softly in my room one night on retreat. An old Irish nun rooming next door, who had been a missionary in South America for 40 years, told me that every phrase in that song is scriptural, and gave me the quotes and citations to prove it. I transcribed it but did not back it up, so I hope someday I find those notes again.
Difficult to sing and rarely heard anymore…

“Yahweh, I know You are near,
Standing always at my side,
You guard me from the foe,
And You lead me in ways everlasting.”

Blue"I think it’s self-explanatory"Rose
Good grief, it’s hard to reply to this because there are so many! Generally speaking, I love the traditional music of the Church, which includes everything from Gregorian chant to the great classical composers to the 19th century “golden age” hymns.

One that’s captured my attention for the last several months is “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”. It was played often in my church during this past Lent. I saw “The Passion” the week after Easter and ever since then, this hymn has stuck in my mind. Sometimes the tears still flow when I listen to it…
Mine is Great is Thy Faithfulness. I love the line
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide, Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessing all mine and ten thousand beside
Refrain: Great is thy faithfulness, Great is they faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed thy hand hath provided, great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me.
I cannot sing that line without crying because there were times in my life where I did not feel like there was a bright hope for tomorrow.
hmmmm…I would have to say Ave Maria is one of my favorites, however standing up at church to sing the “Gloria” sure makes me feel wonderfull inside:D
My favourite ‘traditional hymn’ is “Jesus Christ is Risen Today, alleluia!” - I think this is a methodist hymn but it’s great. We always sing it as the hymn at the end of the first Mass of Easter and it’s full of great joy!

My favourite ‘modern hymn’ is one that begins ‘This is my body, broken for you’. It’s generally a post-communion hymn, I really like like it too
My favorites come in two flavors, English and Spanish.
First, English, which is my mother tongue:
On Eagles’ Wings
How Great Thou Art
Help Me to Know the Way
Second, Spanish, in which I now attend Sunday Mass, mostly:
Grita, Profeta
A Quien Iremos
Anhelo Divino
Don’t why I hadn’t replied to this thread before…

Since every Saturday is a memorial to the Blessed Mother, we always end Mass with “Hail Holy Queen (Enthroned Above)”. It’s basically the prayer (which I love) set in verse and music. I am also really fond of the melody. It has grown to become my favorite hymn.:yup:

**Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above(Salve Regina)
**The original Latin words and music are attributed to Hermannus Contractus in the 11th century.

Hail! holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria!
Hail! Mother of Mercy and of love, O Maria!
**(Chorus) Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

**Our life, our sweetness here below, O Maria!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria!

To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve, O Maria!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, O Maria!

This earth is but a vale of tears, O Maria!
A place of banishment, of fears, O Maria!

Turn then, most gracious advocate, O Maria!
Toward us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria!

When this our exile is complete, O Maria!
Show us thy, Son, Our Jesus sweet, O Maria!

O clement, gracious, Mother sweet, O Maria!
O Virgin Mary, we entreat, O Maria!

Angels, all your praises bring, Earth and heaven, with us sing,
All creation echoing:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!
Dear friends

Another favourite…so many of them!!!

Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne, hark how the heavenly anthemn drowns all music but it’s own, awake my soul and see of Him who died for thee and hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.

Crown Him the Lord of Life, Who triumphed o’er the grave, Who rose victorious in the strife for those He came to save, His glories now we see, Who died and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die.

Crown Him the Lord of heaven, enthroned in worlds above, crown Him the King to Whom is given the wonderous name of love, Crown Him with many crowns as thrones before Him fall, Crown Him ye kings with many Crowns for He is King of all.

God Bless you all and much love and peace to you all , in your homes and to those you love

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