FBI: Communist China Spy Infiltrated California Politicians, Including Russia Hoaxer Eric Swalwell

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FBI: Communist China Spy Infiltrated California Politicians, Including Russia Hoaxer Eric Swalwell​

December 8, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Chinese spy cultivated deep connections with U.S. Democratic politicians for years, including with Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, to send political intelligence and personal information back to communist China, according to reporting by Axios.

Axios reporters spoke to U.S. intelligence officials and former acquaintances of the spy, Fang Fang or Christine Fang, to outline how under the direction of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), one of the country’s primary spying agencies, she collected private information on U.S. bureaucrats, especially those in California’s Bay Area.

According to U.S. intelligence officials and a former politician, between 2011 and 2015, Fang socialized, networked with Rep. Judy Chu and then-Rep. Mike Honda, campaigned for now-Rep. Rho Khanna, volunteered for Bill Harrison, the mayor of Fremont, California at the time, fundraised for people such as Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and in some cases, developed romantic or sexual relationships with politicians to gain intelligence and send it back to her handlers, who were believed to be stationed in mainland China. She also reportedly used her close ties to government officials and politicians to place “subagents” as employees or interns in some political and congressional offices.

Fang developed a relationship with Russia hoaxer Swalwell, who began serving on the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and as a ranking member of its Central Intelligence Agency Subcommittee in 2015. . . .

Despite his repetitive harping on the GOP and Trump about Russia collusion, the failed presidential candidate’s office told Axios that “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI” and no longer has contact with the Chinese spy. . . .
Bold mine.


Suspected Chinese spy reportedly slept with, courted US officials to gain intel​

By Mark Moore

December 8, 2020
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Christine Fang with Mike Honda (left) and Assemblyman Ash Kalra

She was a Chinese Mata Hari — who allegedly slept with at least two Midwestern mayors while cozying up to a slew of pols across the country in a bid to infiltrate the US political system.

Fetching accused Chinese government spy Fang Fang, a k a Christine Fang, entered the US through California as a college student in 2011 — and spent the next four years wooing everyone from local politicos to US congressmen, said the Web site Axios, citing current and former US intelligence officials.

Among the pols who Fang got close to was California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell . . .

. . . . US officials know of at least two mayors who had romantic relationships with Fang, likely now in her late 30s or early 40s, for about three years, the site said.

The accused spy had sex with an Ohio mayor in a car, an incident caught on FBI electronic surveillance, an intelligence official said. . .

. . . Allegedly working at the direction of China’s ultra-secret Ministry of State Security spy agency, Fang likely didn’t get her hands on any classified US material — but she may have helped place “unwitting subagents” in local and congressional offices, US officials said.

Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office, according to two sources. . . .

. . . During her rounds, Fang volunteered on the campaign of California Democrat Ro Khanna . . . .

. . . . US federal authorities started briefing local and national politicians about the potential dangers of associating with her, a source told the site. White House and congressional members also were alerted.

Fang apparently got wind that the feds were onto her and fled the country in 2015, presumably headed back to China.
Sure, let’s smear the guy who did the right thing. :rolleyes:

“But federal investigators, who began investigating Fang based on what they considered her suspicious behavior, informed Swalwell about their concerns involving her in 2015.
At that point, Swalwell, who has not been accused of any wrongdoing, cut off all contact with Fang.”
How does one “infiltrate” a live person… a politician? Which orifice is used for ingress or egress?
You missed the important quote, that Smallwell’s “office told Axios that “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person…””

IOW, we know Smallwell provided the FBI with information about Christine Fang, we do not know that he provided her with any information about any government affairs.
You missed the important quote
I didn’t “miss” anything.

Perhaps you missed (even when you wrote it) . . . .

Dovekin . . .
Smallwell’s (sic) “office told Axios . . .
Bold mine.

“Smallwell’s” office just saying no intelligence lost is meaningless at this point.

This needs to be looked into carefully.

In the meantime, Swalwell has to be off of anything to do with Government intelligence (and should probably resign from office).


To everybody else.

The leftist media people nationally defending this, will just continue to do so.

Perhaps they can get their buddies in Big Social Media to try to bury this story too (as they have on so many others) even if it hurts ourselves again.

It doesn’t matter to them that this is hurtful to our own country.

They are very self-destructive people in the leftist media.

In the future when more comes out (and more will come out), these guys will continue to cling to politics. Even as it will be obvious that this is bad.

Self-destructive people in the leftist media are more than willing to put their secularist religion before their country and even their own families and selves.
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Eric Swalwell linked to Chinese spy: Report​


Dec 9, 2020
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Fox News

6.64M subscribers

Axios reported on Monday that a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang targeted up-and-coming local politicians, including Swalwell, D-Calif. According to Axios, investigators became so alarmed by Fang’s behavior and activities that they alerted Swalwell in 2015 to their concerns, and gave him a “defensive briefing.” Swalwell then cut off all ties with Fang and has not been accused of any wrongdoing, according to an official who spoke to the outlet.

So Swalwell gets approached by a Chinese spy…I’m curious why he thought Russia should have been the focus of investigation for the last 4 years? He, Schiff and other Democrats pushed the Russia hoax…but didn’t think it important to consider China worthy of investigation? At best, he put politics and his hatred of Trump ahead of investigating the greater threat…at worst…we’ll see where this goes.
Sorry, i thought I was replying to @puer.dei, not you. He quoted one piece that affirmed Swalwell did nothing wrong, but this gives more evidence he did everything properly.

Swalwell started on several committees with high level clearance in 2015, the same year Ms Fang returned to China. I am assuming the background checks associated with his security clearances covered this at that time.

It may even be that those investigations led to Ms Fang’s departure. Pure speculation on my part.

If this was not covered then, or whenever Swalwell talked to investigators about Ms Fang, it should be looked into now. I agree with you on this, I think.

To everyone else: standard silliness about right wing conspiracy theories and he media that publish wild ideas with no particular basis beyond a desire to smear reputable people. You all know what I could say, do not make me repeat it.
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It’s not only China- it’s Communist China.

It’s like the full name.
Sorry, i thought I was replying to @puer.dei, not you. He quoted one piece that affirmed Swalwell did nothing wrong, but this gives more evidence he did everything properly.
From New York Post article…
He was with Fang, who intelligence officials said had sex with at least two Midwestern mayors as she tried to get information from them.
Fetching accused Chinese government spy Fang Fang, a k a Christine Fang, entered the US through California as a college student in 2011r described as older and “from an obscure city’’ in the Midwest called Fang his “girlfriend” at a conference in Washington, DC, in 2014
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“The wrongdoing here, Jim, is that at the same time this story was being leaked out is the time that I was working on impeachment on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. And if this is a country where people who criticize the president are going to have law enforcement information weaponized against them, that’s not a country that any of us want to live in. And I hope it is investigated as to who leaked this information,” Swalwell said Wednesday morning on CNN.

“Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI. To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story,” his office stated.
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Published 2 hours ago

Last Update 27 mins ago

Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors​

Bombshell report linked California Democrat with suspected spy​

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., is keeping quiet about his past relationship with a woman suspected of acting as a Chinese spy.

Axios reported that a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang targeted up-and-coming local politicians, including Swalwell. Fang reportedly helped fundraise for Swalwell’s 2014 campaign and helped place at least one intern in his office.

In fact, a former intelligence official told Fox News the Chinese for years have sent spies to “sleep with lesser-known members of Congress and staffers.”


Fang’s relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors turned sexual, according to Axios, with at least two incidents being caught by FBI surveillance. When asked about the nature of Swalwell’s relationship with Fang, the Democratic congressman’s office declined to comment. . . .
That is his right to be tight lipped. Maybe the FBI leaker could leak some more stuff.
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WHY would Pelosi
put an inexperienced and known compromised guy like Swalwell on a
Congressional Intelligence Committee?

Why would not the FBI take Nancy aside and forewarn her? (Remember. The FBI KNEW that Fang was a spy. And had infiltrated Swalwell’s life and office.)

Or if the FBI DID notify Nancy,
WHY would Nancy put a compromised Swalwell on any committee that had to do with US intelligence??


Kevin McCarthy demands answers from Pelosi on Chinese spy infiltrating Rep. Swalwell’s office​

‘Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?’​

Joshua Q. Nelson

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor,” McCarthy told “The Ingraham Angle."

"[China] helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. . . .

…“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”


Swalwell was … involved in an expansive Chinese spying operation and even after he was briefed on the foreign interference he experienced first-hand, he kept his focus publicly on Russia during the Trump presidency…

Current and former intelligence officials told the outlet that Fang used campaign fundraising, networking, rallies and romantic relationships . . .

. . . McCarthy said that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., for “two decades,” had a Chinese spy masquerading as a personal assistant who was “hearing all the private phone calls in the car and others.”

McCarthy went on to question the Democrats for “pulling out of the bipartisan China task force that he had set up and [rejecting] the bills that were holding China accountable that had passed the Senate.”

“Why do they focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the intel let alone why is he still a member of congress? Did Adam Schiff, D-Calif., know as chairman of that committee that he had this problem? Remember what the intel committee gets: information that no other members are able to see and remember what this member did. He was so preoccupied going after this president, he wasn’t protecting our country from bad actors. When he questioned (former FBI director James) Comey, he literally set up the questionnaire of what happened to him.”
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McCarthy: Swalwell ‘Should Be Removed from Congress,’ When Did Pelosi, Schiff Know about China Spy Issue?​


Ian Hanchett

8 Dec 2020

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stated that Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) should be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and Congress and wondered if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) knew about Swalwell being targeted by a suspected Chinese spy.

McCarthy said that members of the Intelligence Committee “are only selected for the Intel. Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. . . .

. . . .Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China task force I had set up? Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable, that have passed the Senate, not come to the floor? Why do they focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel. Committee? Why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know, as chairman of that committee, that he had this problem?”

McCarthy added, “Not only should he be removed from the Intel [Committee]. He should be removed from Congress, as well.”
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When Did Pelosi, Schiff Know about China Spy Issue?​

If they knew anything at all.
This could have been handled privately between him and the FBI.
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