FBI: Communist China Spy Infiltrated California Politicians, Including Russia Hoaxer Eric Swalwell

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If they knew anything at all.
This could have been handled privately between him and the FBI.
How do you know?

Ya mean like it was handled about Hunter’s laptop back in January of 2019?

Why would they not at least tell Pelosi who was handing out committee assignments?

I disagree with you. It could NOT have been handled privately between a compromised Swalwell and the FBI.
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How do you know it was not?
To a certain extent, it is irrelevant.


Read my post.

Either way it is bad.

If the FBI didn’t tell Pelosi Congress (Swalwell via Fang) was compromised . . . . it was wrong.

Or . . .

If the FBI DID tell Pelosi,
WHAT business does she have
putting a known-compromised Swalwell (compromised by a Chinese spy)

on a US Congressional INTELLIGENCE committee?

Think about it RootKitWarrior.
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If the FBI didn’t tell Pelosi Congress (Swalwell via Fang) was compromised . . . . it was wrong.
Is the FBI obligated to tell the Speaker of the House?

If the FBI thought it was an problem, they would have revoked his security clearance and probably informed the Speaker than and there.
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Is the FBI obligated to tell the Speaker of the House?
Good grief.

Nancy Pelosi was handing out Democrat (including Swalwell’s) committee assignments.

Isn’t it OBVIOUS to you WHY she needs to KNOW?

Pelosi then went and put Swalwell on the Intelligence committee.

Don’t you see any “issues” with that?
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Good grief.

Nancy Pelosi was handing out Swalwells committee assignments.

Isn’t it OBVIOUS to you WHY she needs to KNOW?

Pelosi then went and put Swalwell on the Intelligence committee.

Don’t you see any “issues” with that?
If the FBI thought it was an problem, they would have revoked his security clearance and probably informed the Speaker than and there.
RootKitWarrior inferring that having a Chinese spy in your Congressional office and “ecosphere” can NOT be a “problem”!!

A Chinese Spy that when she was tipped off (and she was virtually certainly tipped-off) took off back to China to insulate her from the questioning that would ensue.
If the FBI thought it was an problem, they would have revoked his security clearance and probably informed the Speaker than and there.
Bold mine.

Like I said. Good grief.
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If the FBI thought it was an problem, they would have revoked his security clearance and probably informed the Speaker than and there.
Like I said. Good grief.
And if it was a borderline problem and the FBI thought him being on the Intelligence Committee could result in some sort of compromise, then I am fairly sure they would have stepped in.
To me the most interesting aspect of this entire new story is the difference in how they treated swallow then they did the Trump administration and those on his Team they were investigating for Russian ties without notifying Trump.

Instead, they started wiretaps and set-ups and falsifying documents to spread an attempt to overturn an election …

Similar to Feinstein and her employee - a Chinese spy …they informed her so she was in the know and could take action …

Definitely not the same approach with Trump … hypocrisy at its finest …

Also it’s rich listening to Swallwell talk about leaked stories …he is a leaker and a lier …but then that only makes this story even worse for him
And if it was a borderline problem
It is not a “borderline problem”
when politicians are having a Chinese Spy in your life in such situations.

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It is a BIG problem (for America).

Report: Chinese Spy Developed Extensive Ties with Democrat Intelligence Committee Member Eric Swalwell​

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Twitter/@Arthur Schwartz

Kristina Wong

8 Dec 2020

A suspected Chinese spy developed extensive ties with local and national Democratic politicians, including House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), in a years-long political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015, according to a blockbuster report by Axios.

Swalwell, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was one of the most vocal promoters of the Russia collusion hoax in the past several years.

The suspected Chinese spy is a Chinese national named “Fang Fang” or “Christine Fang,” who reportedly targeted “up-and-coming local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national stage.”

“Among the most significant targets of Fang’s efforts was Rep. Eric Swalwell,” Axios reported.

Fang gained access to these politicians through campaign fundraising, networking, personal charisma, and even “romantic or sexual relationships . . . .
We will have to wait and see what the Trump and his FBI will do.
He needs to set up a special commission on it immediately.
We will wait and see. Trump just may too busy and pre-occupied with his attempt to overturn the will of the people to give this notice.
“Trump” wouldn’t do it. He would authorize it.

Barr needs to do it. President Trump would of course sign off.
Trump is ticked off at Barr at the moment.
Barr is considering resigning before the end of this admin.
And Trump is too pre-occupied.

Swalwell mum on sex with China spy, but family remains Facebook friends with honeytrap​

By Yaron Steinbuch

December 9, 2020

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) is refusing to say if he had sex with an accused Chinese spy who cozied up to a slew of US elected officials, including him, in a bid to infiltrate the US political system.

…Swalwell, a member of the House Intelligence Committee,. . . .

. . . And Swalwell’s office relied on the “classified information” line when Fox News’ Tucker Carlson questioned them about whether the California Democrat engaged in sexual relations with Fang.

Rep. Eric Swalwell is refusing to comment on allegations that he was intimate with Chinese spy Christine Fang.

“His staff replied by saying that they could not comment whether Swalwell had a sexual relationship with Fang, because that information might be, quote, classified,”…

Swalwell, in an interview with Politico, also sidestepped the question about how intimate he was with Fang, who intelligence officials said had sex with at least two Midwestern mayors as she tried to get information from them.

“As the story referenced, this goes back to the beginning of the last decade, and it’s something that congressional leadership knew about it,” Swalwell said, referencing his sensitive position on the House Intelligence Committee.

But while Swalwell said he has cut off all contacts with Fang, his father, Eric, and brother, Joshua, still have the honeytrap listed as a friend on their Facebook pages. . . .

. . . Donald Trump Jr., meanwhile, questioned Swalwell’s seat on the House intelligence panel, saying the congressman should be considered a national security threat …

“We shouldn’t be surprised that the media being silent on this issue which is truly a national security threat while this man sits on the House Intelligence Committee,” …

. . . Trump Jr. also noted how Swalwell was among the Democrats who constantly harped on President Trump’s alleged connections to Russia …which were subsequently deemed to be unfounded.

“I appreciate you calling out Eric Swalwell as somebody who was probably the number two recipient of these tinfoil hat brigade attacks about Russia for years,” he told Carlson.

“I find it very ironic that he was perhaps sleeping with a Chinese spy, certainly one that had infiltrated his inner circle,” Trump Jr. continued. . .

. . . Swalwell also said he was “shocked” . . .

. . . In a softball interview Wednesday on CNN, he said he had not shared any information with Fang before he was notified by the feds. . . .

. . . Fang, who left the US in 2015 amid the investigation, also reportedly attempted similar influence operations on other Bay Area politicians . . .

. . . . The alleged spy also had sex with an Ohio mayor in a car, an incident caught on FBI electronic surveillance, an intelligence official said.

Another mayor “from an obscure city’’ in the Midwest called Fang his “girlfriend” at a conference in Washington, DC, in 2014 . . . .
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In fact, a former intelligence official told Fox News the Chinese for years have sent spies to “sleep with lesser-known members of Congress and staffers.”

If this has been going on, a wider investigation should be opened up.

The other thing is . . . .

This has wider implications.

Now that we know this kind of methods are being carried out by the Chinese against America, we need to assume they will use their own daughters (and presumably sons) for sex to manipulate others too.

In my opinion, now that we know these methods are being used . . . .

In fact, a former intelligence official told Fox News the Chinese for years have sent spies to “sleep with lesser-known members of Congress and staffers.”
. . . The Vatican should immediately re-open the Ted McCarrick issue and see if Ted was being homosexually blackmailed (WHY wouldn’t they?) in McCarrick’s “China agreements” that he helped broker.

Catholics may be being persecuted in China on account of this sort of manipulation. But that is for another thread.
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December 11, 2020

Zero security: Nancy Pelosi defends Swalwell on China honeytrap​

By Monica Showalter

. . . According to today’s Axios, which has a link to the original report:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday she doesn’t have “any concern” about Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), after an Axios investigation revealed the congressman was targeted by a suspected Chinese spy seeking to gain access to U.S. political circles up until 2015.
Axios also had this doozy from Pelosi:
Pelosi said at a press conference Thursday: “I think we should make sure that everybody knows what they are being subjected to. But I don’t know that it means that we have to background check every intern who comes into the Capitol.”
Sure, Swalwell claims he cut off ties with the alleged China spy named Fang Fang after he received had “defensive briefing” from the FBI, which was alarmed about his carrying on with her while occupying his House Intelligence Committee post.

But huge questions remain, and he isn’t answering them.

The cutoff, it seems, wasn’t entirely a cutoff. Reportedly, Swalwell’s dad and brother still maintain Facebook friendships with her, and so she would continue to have access to lots of private news about the doings of all the Swalwells.

Second, was he sleeping with her? Because if he was sleeping with her, she might just have some kompromat on him. She obviously was a “red swallow” for the ChiComs, sleeping serially with the U.S. politicians such as the two unnamed Midwestern mayors reported by Axios in its original dispatch, an act that certainly opened them to blackmail. The whole purpose of honeytrap operations, see, is to have sex, get into the pillow talk, and secretly make videos about the whole thing, all to be used explicitly for blackmailing purposes. Is Swalwell blackmailable? We might know if he was busy having sex with her and finding himself pretty malleable.

Third, why the heck, after a career as a big-city district attorney putting drunks and robbers in jail and then a city councilman haggling over city budgets, did he take a sudden interest in intelligence, tech transfer, and commerce once he got elected to Congress 2012? Those are the committees and subcommittees he wound up on instantly as a Democrat rising star, three topics of intense and top interest to the Chinese. Did Fang Fang, whom he was indebted to for fundraising by 2014 and maybe sex before that, ask him to join those committees in order to please her? She did, after all, have him wrapped around her finger, enough to prompt that visit from the FBI.

Fourth, whatever happened to the specially placed intern in Swalwell’s office, the one who was specifically recommended by Fang? . . .
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