Federation of Dominican Sisters USA Convocation

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1. ordination of both married as well as unmarried men, or
2. allowing priests the option to marry, or
3. make celibacy an optional requirement for ordination
4. allow women to be ordained
5. open the deaconate to women
6. allow qualified women to both preach and administer the
sacraments without ordination

I see all these ending badly…where the people of God get put last and ‘my’ needs get put first… as a seminarian I would seriously think about becoming a priest if they were alowed to marry, or celibacy was “made an optional requirement”
Tyler Smedley said:
1. ordination of both married as well as unmarried men, or
2. allowing priests the option to marry, or
3. make celibacy an optional requirement for ordination
4. allow women to be ordained
5. open the deaconate to women
6. allow qualified women to both preach and administer the
sacraments without ordination

I think only number 3 is possible.
So much for these Sisters fidelity to the Magisterium, it doesn’t bode well for the future of their community.:nope: What else can I say…

But here is one community which shows much promise for the future desertnuns.com/index.htm and have youth and orthodoxy to boot:yup:
Let’s (safely) assume for a moment that the first two suggestions are not put into use. If I then read the third recommendation, the sisters are suggesting *optional celibacy…*even to unmarried priests! Is this a joke? If so, I don’t get it.

As for the sixth item listed, I wonder if by “administer” they mean to say “confect”. If so, then are they suggesting that a layperson be somehow empowered to perform a valid Consecration? I hope not, because this would show complete ignorance on their part. This would be impossible. If by “administer” they mean just that, then doesn’t this already happen at Communion Services in the absence of a priest?

What a sad situation. I feel sorry for these poor sisters.
I graduated from Our Lady of the Elms. akronop.org/

I am very very disappointed, but not entirely surprised. I’d had little inklings.
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