Just to make sure that it gets said: the desire to marry does not go away, even for the committed celibate. Christ Himself had desires as anyone else and he, The Celibate, also had that same desire to marry. But He willed to remain celibate, to express the love of the Father for His Church, and to point to the age to come. If you have not read any of the material that the Church has accumulated over the centuries regarding the unique privilege of the Western priesthood’s union with Christ in His celibacy, I recommend you begin with Paul VI’s Sacerdotalis Caelibatus, 1-59 (the last section in that citation is specifically geared towards loneliness, and the union with Christ in that loneliness which does sometimes beset the priest).
The Church has a very deep theology of priestly celibacy that you can talk about with a spiritual director. Christ will be with you - and He is enough for you.
Just to make sure that it gets said: the desire to marry does not go away, even for the committed celibate. Christ Himself had desires as anyone else and he, The Celibate, also had that same desire to marry. But He willed to remain celibate, to express the love of the Father for His Church, and to point to the age to come. If you have not read any of the material that the Church has accumulated over the centuries regarding the unique privilege of the Western priesthood’s union with Christ in His celibacy, I recommend you begin with Paul VI’s Sacerdotalis Caelibatus, 1-59 (the last section in that citation is specifically geared towards loneliness, and the union with Christ in that loneliness which does sometimes beset the priest).
The Church has a very deep theology of priestly celibacy that you can talk about with a spiritual director. Christ will be with you - and He is enough for you.