Feeling betrayed by the clergy

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Did you ever spend time with Padre Pio?

Priests are human beings. They have lives and hobbies and interests and they watch movies and listen to music and read books.
You seem to be holding people to a pretty high standard. What about yourself, do you hold yourself to the same high expectations?
There’s a reason our era saw the Church publish a universal Catechism for only the second time in her history–the other time was when the Reformation was going on.

Sadly, the usual ways of receiving the faith whole and inviolate at the parish level have broken down in a lot of places, but the Lord has provided other ways for us to get our measure of wheat in due season. Especially in our information age, anyone who seeks, can find.
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I’m not expecting too much from them or to be great theologians, but to remind the congregation
It does seem that a lot is taken for granted. I think that too many assumptions are made about those in the pews - that they understand and are spiritually formed when they are not. This is why we have so many poorly catechized Catholics that are susceptible to falling away from their faith.
As far as the priest admiring an actress, there is nothing wrong with that. He is human after all.
And may have been trying to role model that such attraction or observation is normal.
sorry, just don’t remember padre pio talking about what teenage harry potter actress he fancied.
No, not every parish priest will be a Padre Pio. Sometimes we harm them more with our unrealistic expectations. Things we want from the priests and catechists that we don’t get may be a call for us to get more involved and provide some of these things for the Church. Most of the congregation don’t even remember to pray for their priest.
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