I prefer to think of it, personally, as this: to me, my marriage IS valid, but… how does my priest know that? He doesn’t. It could be that I have a very bad marriage or a marriage that isn’t healthy in a Catholic way. Yes, many catholics married in the church have hard or troubling marriages- but they went through preparation and the church did everything it could to prepare them. In my case- I wasn’t sheltered by the church in this way, so the church doesn’t know much about my marriage.
The church isn’t giving me a new marriage and saying that my old one was invalid- they are looking at my marriage and recognizing that yes, just like I felt, my marriage is sacramental- so they bless the marriage and I am able to be in full communion w the church again- everyone happy.
I just wish it was easier to accomplish. I admit I feel silly about going through marriage prep courses, but the reason the priest wants to do this is because I never went through them before. He feels even if I don’t ‘need’ them- perhaps I can offer really valuable insight to other couples going through the programs who don’t have the 11 years experience I already do.
I can appreciate that, just frustrating.
At any rate- I definitely have not used language like ‘invalid’ around my sons. They are so young, I haven’t even discussed the matter w them yet. Their experience w church is simply showing up and attending right now- getting their blessing while others get communion- and I tell them it’s because they need to go to ‘school’ for it first. They’ve never thought of it as odd. If anything- they are just very very bored at church in general. The content is still too far above them and they don’t seem to be gaining anything from it.
I miss when parishes used to have children’s liturgy. I really wish they would bring that back.