I recently graduated college and got married. To make a long story short, I was up against a huge learning curve with respect to personal finance.
I started out reading Suze Orman’s The Money book for the young fabulous and broke, it’s a good place to start and explains finances in very basic terms. After that, I happened to find a book about health insurance, The New Health Insurance Solution (forgot who the author is); this book explains how to save for future health care costs as well as saving for retirement. The icing on the cake was Larry Swedroe’s book, The only guide to a winning investment strategy you’ll ever need. This book will cover just about everything you need to know about investing wisely. It’s based on modern portfolio theory, a economic/scientific approach to investing.
If you need some more detailed questions answered i’m willing to give them a shot; feel free to send a private message.
Good luck
I recently graduated college and got married. To make a long story short, I was up against a huge learning curve with respect to personal finance.
I started out reading Suze Orman’s The Money book for the young fabulous and broke, it’s a good place to start and explains finances in very basic terms. After that, I happened to find a book about health insurance, The New Health Insurance Solution (forgot who the author is); this book explains how to save for future health care costs as well as saving for retirement. The icing on the cake was Larry Swedroe’s book, The only guide to a winning investment strategy you’ll ever need. This book will cover just about everything you need to know about investing wisely. It’s based on modern portfolio theory, a economic/scientific approach to investing.
If you need some more detailed questions answered i’m willing to give them a shot; feel free to send a private message.
Good luck