Feeling like i’m Being discriminated against by my Priest for being Autistic

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I have been a member of my church since 2011.

I have A LOT of history with the place. I was baptized there as a baby in 1986. I was married there in 2010. I did the RCIA there in 2012 as I previously stated along with Altar Serving. My Aunt’s funeral was held there in 2005, My Grandmother’s in 2011, and my Great Uncle in 2012. I also led the funeral procession for the priest who baptized me there when he passed away in 2017.

The church has been struggling a lot financially over the last 4 and a half years. We used to have a stewardship committee that I was a part of and poured my heart and soul into. One evening I stayed up half the night making a list of possible fundraising ideas that could bring extra cash flow in that would help cover the costs of repairs. Pretty much everyone was on-board with a good chunk of them but our priest he hummed and ha’d over most of them.

He has really strict rules regarding fundraising. He forbids any raffle tickets being sold inside the church even after mass but he’ll let the Catholic women’s league do it. If he doesn’t like the idea it doesn’t happen. Plain and simple.

His solution at the time was to ask parishioners to increase their donations at mass. Other people on the stewardship committee were getting fusturated too and the committee stopped meeting. An email
Went out not long after from ten hairnan stating that it had to go on hold as there were other matters that had to be dealt with.

My hubby joined the KOC a little while ago and when he comes home from the meetings he tells me that he’s feeling the fusturation from them too because they want to fundraise to get equipment that they need for charity events but our priest is such a stickler with fundraising events.

There is a real lack of social events as well. The only real family event that they have is a bbq once a year. That’s it. Everything else is geared toward the elderly folks.

I was diagnosed with Autism last year at age 32. It really didn’t come as a surprise. It is what it is. I never actually told him about it but I’m thinking he already figured it out.

Along with doing Altar Serving at mass I also do it at funerals and weddings.

Only me and one other altar server do the weddings. He is also trained in Eucharistic ministry I am not.

I have been asking if I can take the course so I can help at weddings with communion as usually at weddings they don’t have any Eucharistic ministers. There are also several other Altar servers trained in Eucharistic ministry including one of the woman I usually do altar serving with. Every time I tell the priest I’m more than willing to take the course he tells me no that they don’t like having people do both. I tell him well others do and he says yeah but we really don’t like it.

I’m fed up. Im depressed. I don’t know what to do. I’ve had some tell me to confront him. I’ve had some tell me to seek advice from a priest in another community, I’ve had people tell me to go directly to the Archdiocese and make a formal complaint because where others are fusturated with him too and I’ve had some tell me to go find another church that appreciates me.

I’m lost and don’t know what to do.
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Take what he says and follow it. He is the priest and should know what’s best for his parish, not you. Pray.
In all fairness of he knows what is best for his parish then why have so many people left ?
Take what he says and follow it. He is the priest and should know what’s best for his parish, not you. Pray
Priests can be wrong. Holy Orders does not guarantee that a priest will be an effective administrator.
true, but 99% of the time they have more knowledge and are better prepared than the rest of us…
Funny. Really funny. The forum is called “Catholic Answers”
It’s likely the priest is a better administrator than someone who turns to an internet forum for answers.
I’m not saying the OP is right and the priest is wrong. I have no idea (and neither do you). I’m just saying we shouldn’t dismiss concerns with “he’s a priest and you’re not, shut your trap.” If OP has concerns, she should feel free to sit down with the priest and respectfully lay them out.
It seems like there are three issues here:
  1. Priest’s approach to fundraising
  2. Lack of social events for families
  3. You taking the EMHC course
Regarding 1), if the church is struggling financially, that probably means the parishioners don’t have a lot of spare money, and the priest might not want to have a lot of groups also fundraising because he thinks that takes away from donations to the church. He also might be getting feedback from other people who get bothered by a lot of fundraising, or feel they’re being asked to contribute money too often. In any event, it’s his call to make, and he’s the one who has to answer to the bishop for money ocming in or not coming in, so just leave him to it.

Regarding 2), if the church doesn’t want to sponsor social events for families, there’s nothing to stop you or a group of families from getting together and doing an event or two on your own. It sounds like you have a lot of time and energy to do stuff, it doesn’t always have to revolve around the church.

Regarding 3), again this is something the priest prefers, that people don’t serve as both EMHC and altar server. You’re stuck going along with it for now, and frankly with the amount of stuff it sounds like you’re already doing, it’s not a big loss to you and the number of people receiving communion at weddings generally doesn’t require an EMHC.
I have been asking for the course for 2 years now and keep getting denied for the reason he keeps telling me. However one of the ladies I do altar serving with just took it recently and now does both. That’s what I’m getting at. I don’t seem to be allowed but others seem to be.
I’ve had some tell me to confront him. I’ve had some tell me to seek advice from a priest in another community, I’ve had people tell me to go directly to the Archdiocese and make a formal complaint because where others are fusturated with him too and I’ve had some tell me to go find another church that appreciates me.
I’m sorry for what you are experiencing. 😦 In the end, though, these are really your only options. I would not go to the Archdiocese without speaking to the priest first, a calm conversation while both of you are sitting down and with distractions kept to a minimum (you may need to make an appointment for this). Even if the outcome of this conversation is unsatisfactory, I don’t know what the Archdiocese could do about it since the parish priest has the authority to make these decisions. In other words, he isn’t breaking any (Canon) laws.

The simplest solution appears to be finding another parish, but keep in mind that changing pastors is a normal part of how a parish functions these days so even if you find a parish where the priest treats the parishioners more like they think they should be treated, that could change upon the arrival of a new pastor. Should people jump ship every time they don’t like their priest?
In all fairness of he knows what is best for his parish then why have so many people left ?
Because they disagree with the priest. This does not meant they are right, nor does it necessarily mean they are wrong.
Priests can be wrong. Holy Orders does not guarantee that a priest will be an effective administrator.
True. I have seen some glaring examples of this over the years. Nevertheless, the priest in charge of the parish has the authority to make these decisions.
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She may have done it against his better judgment.

He may also think you are taking too much on yourself. It seems like you are doing a large number of activities around the church. It’s great that you love your parish and want to help, but sometimes priests don’t like to see one person doing too much.
As another poster said, perhaps the priest is reluctant about fundraising events because parishioners don’t have enough spare money or are just sick of being asked for donations all the time. I was wondering, since it’s so hard to have social events at your parish, why not collaborate to create events with a neighboring parish, host it there, and advertise it at your parish?
Where can I find out more information on Cannon Laws?

I atcually had a pretty good relationship with him over the years (I’ve known him for 29 yrs) and didn’t start having issues with him until 2 years ago when I confessed one of the seven deadly sins during a confession. Since then things have been rather awkward and although he’ll talk to me he doesn’t normally make eye contact and will often look away or talk with his back turned. Is it a violation of cannon law if a priest let his feelings get in the way of a confession?
I was wondering, since it’s so hard to have social events at your parish, why not collaborate to create events with a neighboring parish, host it there, and advertise it at your parish?
Yes, and with respect to the KoC, is it possible for them to partner with another chapter and do a joint fundraiser, maybe not located at your parish?
In my area there are some KoC groups that are more active than others and you often see some of this inter-chapter activity going on.
I would not go down this road. Reading Canon law is one thing. Properly interpreting it is another.
That’s an excellent idea. I’m totally going to look into that. Thanks very much 🙂
You would need to talk to a canon lawyer in person (not on here). I doubt the priest has broken any canon laws in this case. I also doubt his interactions with you have anything to do with your confession which I’m sure he probably doesn’t even remember by this point. The priest may have a personal issue, and he may also be worried about things going on in his parish. If you have known him 29 years, can’t you just say to him straight out, “Father, I’m more comfortable if you look at me when we talk. Sometimes I can’t quite hear what you say when you look away.”
This can happen. It has happened a little at my parish. The priest is probably trying his best and thinks he is doing what is best but he is not listening to other people’s requests and ideas. Not everything a priest says or does is good even if his intentions may be good
You very well could be right. He could be worried about things going on. Our church isn’t the only one he manages. There’s another one a short distance away that he manages as well. He’s not a young man anymore either. He just turned 74. Might be burning him out. Yes you’re right I could ask him to look at me when he speaks but I also don’t want to offend him either. Would have to do it when no one else is around.
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