@DarkLight I’ve come across your writing before, and I like it. It’s articulate, well structured, methodical, wealthy in experiential. And for some reason, you to, at times, engage in threads on these issues.
Then I thought I’d interact with you by way of a post. But I read somewhere you were experiencing some difficulties, and in honesty, I felt humbled to address a person undergoing hardship that seemed harder than mine. Also, because I didn’t want, in any way, to add to any hardship.
And that being said, which is faint yet personal, an introduction more than a debate, I’ll address some of what you shared to the best of my ability.
Woman are the object of attention, men chase after woman. That is somehow written in our natures (JPII elaborated on it in “Love and Responsibility”). And as in all things, that is also subject to sin. Some societies -even neighborhoods- are more violent than others. And the normal behavior between the genders is more ritualized/encoded than we’d at first imagine, suffices to say changing societies changes what is taken as normal interaction.
Regrettably, those behaviors you and others described are to an extent transversal and thus the tendency remits in fact to our nature, to innate impulses.
However, the only critic I’d hold of feminism is the frequently associated tendency to be hostile towards men. Which can be an overreaction, unjust if misguided, leading to positive social reinforcement of hostility. And that would be it. Then a single question would follow: do feminist correct other woman for being unjust to a man? (Does the term ‘feminist’ share catholic morals or oppose it?)
Because I’ve had my share of woman’s injustice, and their peers reinforcement of that injustice. So I sometimes refer to feminism (for lack of a better term) as “that peer social positive reinforcement of that injustice”. Now here it gets really interesting (because for this I have not found a term): The same way some of those deplorable behaviors you mentioned are both sin and nature - characteristic of men. Woman also has a particular nature, which is not so evident nor obvious. And pertaining to the more common forms of injustice -particular to that gender- which and what would that be? And what would we call that positive social reinforcement? [And here I fail completely, unable to find even a word.]