Fetal tissue in Vaccines?

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I was reading somewhere that fetal tissue from aborted babies is in vaccines. Can we avoid this at all? I mean I dont want that injected into my daughter! That is not morally right! or is it? They are required to have these vaccines, what do we do??!!
list of “other” ingrediants in vaccines…
Do you have any reputable sources for this claim? Rense.com is an anti-semitic rag of a website that treats UFO sightings as legitimate “news.” If you do have reputable sources, I’d love to see them because the idea of such ingredients is morally offensive.
  • JP
Do you have any reputable sources for this claim? Rense.com is an anti-semitic rag of a website that treats UFO sightings as legitimate “news.” If you do have reputable sources, I’d love to see them because the idea of such ingredients is morally offensive.
  • JP
Here is another source








I can find more
I was reading somewhere that fetal tissue from aborted babies is in vaccines. Can we avoid this at all? I mean I dont want that injected into my daughter! That is not morally right! or is it? They are required to have these vaccines, what do we do??!!
list of “other” ingrediants in vaccines…
Here is an interesting article…


another good one

Promted by the OP, I did my own research. The “fetal tissue” at issue isn’t really fetal tissue but cell lines derived from fetal tissue years ago. So, this makes the issue ethically similar to using stem cell lines that originated from embryos years ago. A good analysis from the National Catholic Bioethics Center of the related ethical issues is here: immunize.org/concerns/furton.pdf
  • JP
there is fetal tissue in these vaccines and the tissue is kept alive. to produce more doses of the vaccine the tissue at the moment is 40 some years old well within the natural lifespan of this human being who would have otherwise been born. It is not expected to live longer than a normal lifespan at which point another baby must be found to continue the shots. With the success, using the baby that was the 27th baby to be aborted in order to find a baby affected by rubella(30 women were aborted because they were told their child had been exposed to rubella in utero), and because the use of fetal vaccines was not rejected by consumers they are now developing more and more vaccines on other baby’s’ demises. so it is really a much wider issue than just one little baby that supposedly died so many years ago. The medical community rejects the autistic issue but they are compromised by funding from the very drug companies that make these vaccines serious researchers have found a connection but the big money rejects these findings.
I’ve been reading about this issue since posting earlier and I now see that it’s not just a matter of a couple cell lines established years ago. I had no idea some vaccines involved such practices. I found this link to be a very good and thorough report on all the issues involved: cogforlife.org/fetalvaccinetruth.htm (thanks to AmyS!)

Thank you all for alerting others about this!
  • JP
We need to encourage the life-affirming alternatives, like the Japanese Rubella shot that used swabs taken from children’s throats. The mumps and measles portion of the MMR shot does not require the use of fetal tissue. The FDA has not yet approved the Japanese shot.
The vaccines are grown in the cells that were derived from 2 aborted babies many years ago. Some diseases can only be grown in human cells.

There is no tissue in the vaccine it’s self as that would kill everyone who recieved it rather quickly. 😉

There has been some discusion that some of the components of the cells make it into the vaccine.

Google the CDC sight and then search for vaccines there. They list every thing in all the vaccines and how they were made etc…
So what do we do in the mean time?? Are we allowed to stay away from these vaccines? I dont want my daughter to get sick but at the same time I dont want to promote abortion !
I think this would be a good question for an expert apologist. I too would like to know what to do about this. I have a friend who told me about this and I had no idea until she told me about a few weeks ago.
i keep on trying to ask an apologist but they have yet to respond. I would like to know how the catholic church feels about this?I dont want to support abortion in anyway even if it is from aborted babies over 40 years ago!
You should ask a biologist, not a theologian. You’re not even sure there are fetal cells in vaccines; get the facts first and then decide.

If you’re all that concerned, just don’t get yourself and your childre vaccinated and accept the consequences (no one said being pro-life would be easy).
The Chicken POx Vacinia uses Fetal stem cells. Id rather have chicken pox as an adult and walk around hot, fevery and blistery for two weeks.
The Chicken POx Vacinia uses Fetal stem cells. Id rather have chicken pox as an adult and walk around hot, fevery and blistery for two weeks.
Shortly after I had my youngest child vaccinated against chicken pox, I discovered that the vaccination was developed from the lung cells of a baby aborted about 40 years ago. This was well before IVF and the discovery of embryonic stem cells. I’m not sure of the science of this, but I think that once they got the cells growing in a culture, there was no need to procure more cells from aborted babies. Now I don’t believe I have any culpability for this because at the time of the vaccination I didn’t know how it was developed. As far as the morality of the creation of the vaccine I think that it’s called “remote material cooperation with evil after the fact”.

I also read somewhere that there is an alternative (and more expensive) vaccine that was developed using an ethical method. I think you have to specifically request the alternative vaccine. It would be helpful to get the word out about this because many schools (including my children’s Catholic one) require either the vaccine or proof of a bout of chicken pox.
You should ask a biologist, not a theologian. You’re not even sure there are fetal cells in vaccines; get the facts first and then decide.

If you’re all that concerned, just don’t get yourself and your childre vaccinated and accept the consequences (no one said being pro-life would be easy).
When you ask the apologist please post the answer and let the rest of us know. God Bless
Just so you know the word Vaciania is latin for Cow Pox Virus. There is no stem cells or anything developed from Small Pox was the first vaciniation discovered hundreds of years ago from Maids milking cows.

So God Forbid, this is the worst one you will ever get, Cow Pox. I hate it and fear it. It is controlled by the government, will inflict scars and can cause death and blindness. The Vacination site should be convered with a bandage.
You should ask a biologist, not a theologian. You’re not even sure there are fetal cells in vaccines; get the facts first and then decide.

If you’re all that concerned, just don’t get yourself and your childre vaccinated and accept the consequences (no one said being pro-life would be easy).
I posted many links that show that is what is happening… I think the next step is theology.
I posted many links that show that is what is happening… I think the next step is theology.
We already know that some of them contain cells from aborted babies . That is why I’m posting! now it is time to ask a apologist.
You should ask a biologist, not a theologian. You’re not even sure there are fetal cells in vaccines; get the facts first and then decide.

If you’re all that concerned, just don’t get yourself and your childre vaccinated and accept the consequences (no one said being pro-life would be easy).
OUt of all of the things in the world, being pro life is probably easiest. It is easy to say no to killing and using embryonic stem cells! not hard at all!
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