Fetal tissue in Vaccines?

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oh wait It is God’s Will that isnt always easy…is that what you meant??
Rense.com is a great website. Everyone should read it, if they are able to discern the truth from fiction. It will broaden their mind.

My research shows that the Chicken Pox vacine was inncubated from lung tissue in a 3 month old gestational fetus and a 14 week old incubational male.

The approximate age at which a fetal heart starts beating is 8 weeks or 2 months.

The fetal cell lines or babys names are MRC-5 and WI-38.

Rubella virus line was incubated using an aborted fetus kidney tissue during a 1964 Rubella outbreak. The Victoms name is, R/A/27/3 Rubella/Aborted/27fetus tested/3tissue implanted.
so bill would it be morally wrong to accept those vaccines as a Christian?
It my opinion it would be. These children are clinically dead but I wonder how much they are suffering?

If you killed me and put my organs in another person, I would find that a hard sin to forgive.

I got a Ruebella shot when I was an Infant, Though I duobt it was the 67 shot. I think if someone gets the shot without knowing that is permisable.

These medical companies pretend like no one makes money or benifets from this type of behavior but its nothign less than Chrosniesm in the worst sense of the word.
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