Fiance is Agnostic/Atheist

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Yes, I can choose not to believe in Santa. I can choose not to believe in XYZ political platform. I made a choice to believe in the Catholic Church a few decades ago.
If I have offered you $200, you could choose to sincerely believe in Santa Claus? You could try but you couldn’t will yourself to believe what you do not hold to be true.
I think you two are just arguing semantics. 🤔
Yes, but it shapes a lot on how believers see nonbelievers IMO.
I am a rational person. I could choose to follow emotion over rational thinking and believe in Santa Claus. I choose not to do that.

Again, I have stood up and chosen a diametrically different religious viewpoint, I have chosen a startling political change, I’ve changed my beliefs based on research and study.

Maybe you have never had a profound change of beliefs, but, do not discount those of us who have.
Ok. Fair enough. We are indeed arguing semantics.

I suppose the simplest is to say in life we can have similar experiences but derive different conclusions. I’ll let you have the last word on this subtopic as I think I’ve halfway derailed the thread.

On topic - How much participation will you expect from a future spouse. Think very carefully about that q.
Your girlfriend should not marry you expecting you to change.

You would be wise to leave the phrase “for them moment” out of the replies.
so I told her a conversion is out of question for the moment.
She needs to be sure that she can handle a lifetime of spiritual “aloneness”, not being able to share that part of herself with her husband. To be okay with the idea that she may not be with you in eternity.

She needs to be sure she can handle watching your children question faith (as all bright children do) and know that you are going to give them advice that is diametrically opposed to her beliefs.

This is not a game, it is playing with live ammo. If she goes in to the marriage with her eyes WIDE open, then, that is her decision. Don’t let her harbor some secret hope that you will “grow out of it” or that she can “change you”.
I don’t want to force the faith upon her as i can only get so far, God will do the rest. I feel that today among most atheist and agnostics intellectualism won’t lead them towards God like it did for me. I was inspired by the philosophical arguments and C.S lewis explanation of the myths throughout history as being explanations for metaphysical truths. They helped me understand Christianity more, that man throughout all of time understood that something had gone awfully wrong (Sin) and that he needed redemption, mix this in with mans ego and you have many of the myths we have today. It’s also why Christianity was endorsed by the most advanced civilizations as it crystallized concepts about reality they already understood, Sin, redemption, courage, love etc. I feel what will lead most atheists and agnostics towards God in todays world is our love. In a world that increasingly denies God the difference between Christian and secularist will grow and through our love and joy will many of them question and seek that which satisfies the soul in a way they never experienced
@Paddy1989, I was actually referring to the more mundane. Like asking her to come to mass sometimes or certain HDOs. Or the various “extras” involved in a Catholic wedding.
She comes to mass with me which i am extremely grateful. She is also participating in the courses required for our wedding which i know is way out of her comfort zone and for this i’m most thankful.
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