Figure Skater's Mother Dies At Nationals

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I don’t know how many of you follow the sport of figure skating. All skaters and their families are a very close “Family”, and this morning, we woke up to read this tragic story:

Please pray for this skater, her family, and all the others involved.

This poor skater has undergone so much tragedy in recent years. I don’t know how she will bear this, too. I have no idea what her faith is. After her coach died a few years ago, she talked about a deepening spirituality. I can only hope it led her to faith in Jesus.

I also ask prayer for all the Christian skaters at the competition, and there are many. Tim Goebbel is a devout Catholic who attends daily mass when he is able. These Christians will undoubtedly be led to try to comfort their fellow skater, but this is tough on them. After all, they are at Nationals to win, and even though the skating probably means nothing to them right now, they still have to “go to work,” just like all the rest of us. They are skating for a spot on the World team, and want to represent the United States well. So please pray for their strength.

Finally, pray for the Figure Skating Club that is hosting the competition. Most of these people are moms and dads who volunteer for days on end to make the National competition happen. They must feel terrible that this awful tragedy occurred in their town, at their competition, even though it’s not their fault at all. But like Dallas felt guilty after Pres. Kennedy was assassinated, I’m sure the members of this club will do a lot of “What ifs…” Please pray for these people.

In case you are wondering, my daughters were members of the team that won the National Synchronized Skating championship and my younger daughter represented the United States on the World team (Synchro) for two years. They currently both coach figure skating; in fact, there is a huge (the biggest in the U.S.) synchronized skating competition in Fraser this weekend, which I know will have a pall cast over it because of this tragedy that affects all figure skaters in some way.
I drive I205 on my way to work every day. Horrible. God’s ways are not always ours, are they? Jesus, have mercy!!
Quite honestly it looks like one of those totally senseless deaths. Apparently they were in a van from the airport on their way to the arena. Somehow the van ended up skidding on its side down the freeway. No one was wearing a seatbelt and seatbelts are apparently not required in these vans although a) they are known to have a lot of accidents (the vans) and b) everyone else who drives/rides in this state is supposed to wear a belt and c) the taxi/van drivers are NUTS and drive like maniacs.

This is really going to put a terrible pall over the event. I feel so bad for all of them. They will not have fond memories of this city.

Lisa N
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