Figure This One Out

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I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I read this entire story I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, pull my hair out or beat my head gainst a wall. I have printed key paragraphs from it below so you can get the gist - but I must say the entire story is worth a read to follow the “rest of the story” -

"…after 3 faithful Catholics were denied Eucharist** at the Bishops Mass** in Nov. 2002. We were arrested and spent 30 hours in jail awaiting arraignment for trespassing at the Hyatt. Instead of just paying the fine as Soulforce has usually done in the past, we decided to take it to trial. Our trial was in January 2003 and we ran into all sorts of frustration when they postponed it for almost a week, and then when we returned we were told that there weren’t enough people for a jury.
The three of us almost decided to just plead guilty and go home - actually we did decide that, but one of our pro bono lawyers shared with us his vision of trial as liturgy. All 3 of us, hearing the analogy, were convinced that we should go ahead with the trial. Because the trial had been postponed, **Bishop Gumbleton was able to testify in our behalf! **

When it came time to sentence us, the judge apologized for “our” church - she too was Catholic and said that extreme violence had been done to us when we were denied Eucharist. She said it was clear that we were guilty, but that she was going to do something she’d never done in her 17 years as a judge - refuse to impose sentence on us.* She even urged us to return to the Hyatt in November and help the bishops understand, but to do it legally the next time. She ended the trial saying, “Go in Peace.”

Partially as a result of the trial, Judge Mildred Edwards decided to retire and enter seminary. She ended up at Washington Theological Seminary and was in a class with an acquaintance of mine who ended up interning at my parish in California this summer.* Charlie relayed to me that she told the story of our trial to the class. I asked him to carry back a letter when he returned to DC and we have been in communications with Judge Edwards ever since.
I had to read the link to figure out the details. I was unaware of “soulforce” as a Gay and Lesbian Action Group.

Argh! Don’t they know that you can’t pick and choose what you want from the Church. Christ established it, it speaks TRUTH and truth isn’t something that gets changed to meet the current Politically Correct trends. It is immutable!


What can I say? The homosexuals are on a mission. And the evil forces are behind them every step of the way. They won’t be happy until we are all atheistic, homosexual, worshipers of the almighty nothingness. 😦
Sorry, I won’t submit to their agenda. I intend to worship the One True God until the day I die.

What can I say? The homosexuals are on a mission. And the evil forces are behind them every step of the way. They won’t be happy until we are all atheistic, homosexual, worshipers of the almighty nothingness. 😦
Are you suggesting that all homosexual persons are atheists? I cannot myself see a connection between sexual orientation and religious faith.
Are you suggesting that all homosexual persons are atheists? I cannot myself see a connection between sexual orientation and religious faith.

  1. *]Rejection of Biblical teaching
    *]Rejection of natural law as set forth by God as creator of our bodies
    *]Commission of acts that are described as “an abomination before God”

    That’s just for starters.

    Homosexuals may see themselves in some cases as spiritual or faithful person but the truth is that they have turned away from God each time they act on their perverted desires just in the same way as the adulterer turns away from God when he acts on his lust.

    Both have the same opportunity to turn back to God but it requires repentance and abstinence from the sin.

    “Go and sin no more.”
Every sin is a rejection of biblical teaching. Those who commisioned and carried out the September 2001 attacks certainly were sinners carrying out an abomination. I doubt that they were atheists.

Anyway homosexual persons can be faithful Catholics and I do not doubt that many saints in heaven were homosexual in life. What you are referring to is not homosexual persons as such but a certain type of political and social activist. That is like assuming that all Americans mistreat prisoners because some do.

Consider the Catechism
**2359 **Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Every sin is a rejection of biblical teaching. Those who commisioned and carried out the September 2001 attacks certainly were sinners carrying out an abomination. I doubt that they were atheists.

Anyway homosexual persons can be faithful Catholics and I do not doubt that many saints in heaven were homosexual in life. What you are referring to is not homosexual persons as such but a certain type of political and social activist. That is like assuming that all Americans mistreat prisoners because some do.

Consider the Catechism
As long as people who have a lust for homosexual sexual behavior don’t participate in that behavior, and focus on God, yes, they can be a saint. It is like any other lust. In fact fighting the lust is a virtue. But these people who are protesting the Church are not fighting their lusts. They are trying to get the Chruch to deny that the sin exists. That is a completely different thing.
I wish we could take out a big ad in every paper in the country and explain that we DO accept people who are gay or homosexual or suffer from SSA (pick the term you like), but that we accept them on the same terms we accept everyone else, including ourselves: sinners in need of saving grace. We should then say, once and for all, that homosexual activity of any kind will never be acceptable to the Church, that it runs contrary to the Truth that she is bound to proclaim, and that she cannot do anything about that, so either come in and be forgiven and take up your cross and follow Christ or don’t and leave us *alone!!! *I don’t get this effort to change the Church’s teaching. If it was changed (and it can’t be), how schizophrenic would that be?
Every sin is a rejection of biblical teaching. Those who commisioned and carried out the September 2001 attacks certainly were sinners carrying out an abomination. I doubt that they were atheists.

Anyway homosexual persons can be faithful Catholics and I do not doubt that many saints in heaven were homosexual in life. What you are referring to is not homosexual persons as such but a certain type of political and social activist. That is like assuming that all Americans mistreat prisoners because some do.

Consider the Catechism
An active homosexual is not, by definition, a faithful Catholic any more than is the active adulterer. They may go through the motions as many sinners do but they are not faithful Catholics so long as they are practicing sodomy.
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