Fr Ambrose said:
According to the Lord, the Spirit proceeds from the Father… John 15:26 “qui a Patre procedit”
**According to the Creed **of the Universal Church, the Spirit proceeds from the Father… “qui ex Patre procedit”
What could be clearer?
**In Jn 15:26 **
The Word for "Proceed" (
1601 Strongs), in Greek ekporeuomai {ek-por-yoo’-om-ahee}
1) to go forth, go out, depart
2) metaph.
a) to come forth, to issue, to proceed
1) of feelings, affections, deeds, sayings
b) to flow forth
1) of a river
c) to project, from the mouth of one
d) to spread abroad, of a rumour
{ekporeuomai} is translated as “proceed” 10 times in the NT,
Mat 4:4
proceedeth 1607 out of the mouth of God .
Mt :15:18 But those things which
proceed 1607 out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man
Mar 7:21 out of the heart of men,
proceed 1607
Lk: 4:22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which
proceeded 1607 out of his mouth
Jn 15:26 which
proceedeth 1607 from the Father
Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt communication
proceed 1607 out of your mouth
Rev 4:5 out of the throne
proceeded 1607 lightnings and thunderings and voices and [there were] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
Rev 11:5 fire
proceedeth 1607 out of their mouth,
Rev 19:21 which [sword]
proceeded 1607 out of his mouth:
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding 1607 out of the throne of God ***and of the Lamb. ***
{ekporeuomai} is also translated as
go out, (6)
go, (5)
come, (4)
depart, (3)
go forth, (2)
The filioque is correct. Your understanding of Catholic theology is flawed.